javascript - Get current slide number when using bookblock.js? -

im working on online book children, , im using bookblock.js flip animations. im using popcorn.js provide audio when im on current slide , highlight words when audio playing. problem (and maybe stupid question - im kinda new in javascript world) dont know how current slide can autoplay appropriate audio file. managed attach audio file on each slide , play when clicking custom play button , pause when clicking custom pause button, want autoplay appropriate audio file when clicking on next button user don't have press play every time on new slide.

this main div have 2 more divs (bb-custom-side) in 1 (the right) have image, , in left bb-custom-side have 2 buttons (play/pause working should), have image (background) , text.

<div class="bb-item" id="check3">                     <div class="bb-custom-side">                         <a class="play" id="play1" onclick=""><audio class="audio" id="first_page" src="audio/firstpage.mp3" preload="auto"/></a>                         <a class="pause" id="pause1" onclick="document.getelementbyid('first_page').pause()"></a>                         <img class="firstl" src="images/2l.png" />                         <div class="textcont1" id="t1">                                 <span id="w1-1" class="word" data-start="0.40" >Еден</span>                                 <span id="w1-2" class="word" data-start="0.90">облачен</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-3" class="word" data-start="1.40">ден</span>                                 ,                                 <span id="w1-4" class="word" data-start="2.15">Петар</span>                                  <span id="w1-5" class="word" data-start="2.55">и</span>                                  <span id="w1-6" class="word" data-start="2.70">неговата</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-7" class="word" data-start="7.0">мајка</span>                                 <span id="w1-8" class="word" data-start="8.0">отидоа</span>                                 <span id="w1-9" class="word" data-start="9.0">во</span>                                 <span id="w1-10" class="word" data-start="10.0">паркот</span>                                 .</br>                                 <span id="w1-11" class="word" data-start="11.0">Додека</span>                                 <span id="w1-12" class="word" data-start="12.0">мајка</span>                                 <span id="w1-13" class="word" data-start="13.0">му</span>                                 <span id="w1-14" class="word" data-start="14.0">плетеше</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-15" class="word" data-start="15.0">џемперче</span>                                 ,                                 <span id="w1-16" class="word" data-start="16.0">Петар</span>                                 <span id="w1-17" class="word" data-start="17.0">се</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-18" class="word" data-start="18.0">лулаше</span>                                 <span id="w1-19" class="word" data-start="19.0">на</span>                                 <span id="w1-20" class="word" data-start="20.0">лулашкитe</span>                                 .</br>                                 <span id="w1-21" class="word" data-start="21.0">Таа</span>                                 <span id="w1-22" class="word" data-start="22.0">наскоро</span>                                 <span id="w1-23" class="word" data-start="23.0">ќе</span>                                 <span id="w1-24" class="word" data-start="24.0">роди</span>                                 <span id="w1-25" class="word" data-start="25.0">бебе</span>                                 ,                                 <span id="w1-26" class="word" data-start="26.0">а</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-27" class="word" data-start="27.0">Петар</span>                                 <span id="w1-28" class="word" data-start="28.0">ќе</span>                                 <span id="w1-29" class="word" data-start="29.0">добие</span>                                 <span id="w1-30" class="word" data-start="30.0">братче</span>                                 <span id="w1-31" class="word" data-start="31.0">или</span></br>                                 <span id="w1-32" class="word" data-start="32.0">сестричка</span>                                 .</br>                         </div>                     </div>                     <div class="bb-custom-side">                         <img class="firstr" src="images/2r.png" />                     </div>                 </div> 

now script part control next/previous/jump first/jump last slide using bookblock.js plugin following :

<script>          var page = (function() {              var config = {                     $bookblock : $( '#bb-bookblock' ),                     $navnext : $( '#bb-nav-next' ),                     $navprev : $( '#bb-nav-prev' ),                     $navfirst : $( '#bb-nav-first' ),                     $navlast : $( '#bb-nav-last' ),                 },                  init = function() {                     config.$bookblock.bookblock( {                         speed : 1000,                         shadowsides : 0.8,                         shadowflip : 0.4                     } );                     initevents();                 },                 initevents = function() {                      var $slides = config.$bookblock.children();                      // add navigation events                      config.$navnext.on( 'click touchstart', function() {                         config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'next' );                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                         for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         return false;                     } );                      config.$navprev.on( 'click touchstart', function() {                         config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'prev' );                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                         for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         return false;                     } );                      config.$navfirst.on( 'click touchstart', function() {                         config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'first' );                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                         for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         return false;                     } );                      config.$navlast.on( 'click touchstart', function() {                         config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'last' );                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                         for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         return false;                     } );                      // add swipe events                     $slides.on( {                         'swipeleft' : function( event ) {                             config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'next' );                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                             var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                             for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                             return false;                         },                         'swiperight' : function( event ) {                             config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'prev' );                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                             var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                             for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                             {                                 allaudio[i].pause();                                 allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                             }                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                             return false;                         }                     } );                      // add keyboard events                     $( document ).keydown( function(e) {                         var keycode = e.keycode || e.which,                             arrow = {                                 left : 37,                                 : 38,                                 right : 39,                                 down : 40                             };                          switch (keycode) {                             case arrow.left:                                 config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'prev' );                                 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                 var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                                 for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                                 {                                     allaudio[i].pause();                                     allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                                 }                                 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                 break;                             case arrow.right:                                 config.$bookblock.bookblock( 'next' );                                 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                 var allaudio = document.getelementsbyclassname('audio');                                 for( var i=0; i<allaudio.length; i++)                                 {                                     allaudio[i].pause();                                     allaudio[i].src = allaudio[i].src;                                 }                                 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                 break;                         }                     } );                 };                  return { init : init };          })();     </script>     <script>             page.init();     </script> 

and part manage sync audio text on current slide following (the following code 1 slide in case div containing audio id="first_page" :

var pop = popcorn("#first_page");          var wordtimes = {             "w1-1": { start: 0.55, end: 0.91 },             "w1-2": { start: 0.90, end: 1.55},             "w1-3": { start: 1.45, end: 2.25 },             "w1-4": { start: 2.00, end: 2.65 },             "w1-5": { start: 2.6, end: 2.80 },             "w1-6": { start: 2.72, end: 3.3 },             "w1-7": { start: 3.30, end: 3.77 },             "w1-8": { start: 3.77, end: 4.1 },             "w1-9": { start: 4.10, end: 4.24 },             "w1-10": { start: 4.24, end: 5.00 },             "w1-11": { start: 5.40, end: 6.06 },             "w1-12": { start: 6.06, end: 6.55 },             "w1-13": { start: 6.1, end: 6.56 },             "w1-14": { start: 6.56, end: 6.97 },             "w1-15": { start: 6.95, end: 7.75 },             "w1-16": { start: 8, end: 8.43 },             "w1-17": { start: 8.40, end: 8.66 },             "w1-18": { start: 8.60, end: 9.10 },             "w1-19": { start: 9.00, end: 9.24},             "w1-20": { start: 9.20, end: 10.11 },             "w1-21": { start: 10.92, end: 11.25 },             "w1-22": { start: 11.20, end: 11.70 },             "w1-23": { start: 11.60, end: 11.80 },             "w1-24": { start: 11.78, end: 12.15 },             "w1-25": { start: 12.11, end: 12.50 },             "w1-26": { start: 12.90, end: 13.20 },             "w1-27": { start: 13.15, end: 13.65 },             "w1-28": { start: 13.55, end: 13.75 },             "w1-29": { start: 13.70, end: 14.10 },             "w1-30": { start: 14.20, end: 14.65 },             "w1-31": { start: 14.57, end: 14.85 },             "w1-32": { start: 14.70, end: 15.50 }         };          $.each(wordtimes, function(id, time) {             pop.footnote({                 start: time.start,                 end: time.end,                 text: '',                 target: id,                 effect: "applyclass",                 applyclass: "selected"             });         });;          $('.word').click(function() {             var audio = $('#first_page');             audio[0].currenttime = parsefloat($(this).data('start'), 10);             audio[0].play();         }); 

so dont know if provided enough info code in short want know: there way me current slide bookblock.js (cause there current variable inside plugin dont know how , check it's status) or anywhere else can write if statement , autoplay right audio... tried declare variable counter increments upon config.$bookblock.bookblock('next') , decrement upon config.$bookblock.bookblock('prev') , check status example slide 2:

    if( counter == 2 ) { // use popcorn script code appropriate audio } 

but reason won't work...

i tried solutions similar problems disscussed on stackoverflow like: how check element's visibility via javascript? get display status element effected .slidetoggle()? check if element visible on screen

so can check when div in viewport play audio reason wont work either...

any appreciated.

the plugin exposes callback when pageflip ends.

    onendflip : function(old, page, islimit) { return false; },     // callback before flip transition     // page current item´s index 

call audio code inside it. page should contain current page number.

page.init({     onendflip : function(old, page, islimit) {         //your audio playing code goes here..     } }); 


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