ruby on rails - How to refer to the object I'm Fabricating inside my Fabricator? -
i'm using ruby 2.1.1p76 , rails 4.0.4 , fabrication gem.
is possible refer object being fabricated?
i have class foo , class bar. have fabricators each. problem each of class foo , bar contain field refers other class:
class foo < activerecord::base has_many :bars belongs_to :current_bar, class_name: "bar" end
class bar < activerecord::base belongs_to: :foo end
it's bothersome have fabricate one, other , set reference first in specs:
let!( :foo ) { fabricate( :foo ) } let!( :bar ) { fabricate( :bar, foo: foo ) } before( :each ) foo.update( current_bar: bar ) end
i'd rather fabricate foo , have current_bar fabricated , referring foo i'm fabricating. i've read through fabrication gem documentation , can't find way possible. may overlooking it. know of way accomplish this?
for completeness -- fabricators:
fabricator( :foo ) current_bar nil end
fabricator( :bar ) foo end
yup. overlooked in documentation.
you can define them in fabricators block optionally receives object being fabricated , hash of transient attributes defined. works in fabricator, can define them when call fabricate , work you’d expect. callbacks stackable, meaning can declare multiple of same type in fabricator , not clobbered when inherit fabricator.
fabricator(:place) before_validation { |place, transients| place.geolocate! } after_create { |place, transients| fabricate(:restaurant, place: place) } end
also, in case, needed use after_save callback. able set current_bar
on foo
object inside fabricator, once in spec, current_bar
still nil
. update
method isn't available inside after_create (i'm new ruby i'm not sure why), available inside after_save. calling update got me going.
fabricator(:foo) transient :current_bar_data after_save { |foo, transients| bar = fabricate( :bar, foo: foo, bar_data: transients[ :current_bar_data ] ) foo.update( current_bar: bar ) } current_bar nil end
now can fabricate foo
complete current_bar
let!( :some_foo ) { fabricate( :foo, current_bar_data: "some bar data" ) }
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