scalatest - SBT console encoding for test results -

i have sbt + scalatest project. tests log in console this:

[info] - should *** failed ***  [info] java.lang.exception: ╧ЁштхЄ! 

that's not useful of cause.. exception text in cyrillic have set cp866 charset on console stream display correctly.

i've tried

console.setout(new printstream(system.out, true, "cp866")) 

but sbt ignores it. seems sbt constructs it's own stream logging various messages, can't find , how alter it..

there way add custom logger, it's overkill.

i've found solution. can create custom logmanager

val customlogmanager = logmanager.defaultmanager(consoleout.printstreamout(new, true, "cp866"))) 

and set in project settings:

logmanager := customlogmanager 

though, i'm not sure if best solution. 1 flaw have provide logmanager setting every project. inheriting build settings doesn't work reason.


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