c++ - Libcurl+QtCreator+debian -

i newbie on linux, have lot of trouble it.

i want use curl in qt project (c++). created project, write in main.cpp

#include <curl/curl.h>  int main( void ){     curl *curl;      /* first step, init curl */     curl = curl_easy_init();     if (!curl) {        return -1;     }      return 0; } 

i tried compile code, have 1 error: undefined reference 'curl_easy_init()' realise, qt creator wants know path library. open test.pro file , append:

includepath += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  libs += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.a libs += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurldll.a 

and error: libcurlldll.a no such file or dirrectory. definetly haven't library, try install/reinstall types of libcurl , doesn't work.

sites, tried search information:




please, redirect me simple guide "how use libcurl in qt creator on debian" or that. need step-by-step guide. or can write me there, can use it?

sorry english, learning. thanks!

this works me fine:



int main( void ){     curl *curl;      /* first step, init curl */     curl = curl_easy_init();     if (!curl) {        return -1;     }      return 0; } 


template = app target = curl qt -= core gui  libs += -lcurl  # config += link_pkgconfig # pkgconfig += curl  sources += main.cpp 

as can see in comment, use pkgconfig instead of libs variable neater.

make sure have corresponding packages installed necessary, instance development, etc.


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