php - How to call an elgg module action via url -

im new elgg, requirement create elgg plugin import contact gmail,yahoo , msn.

i imported contacts in joomla. when create elgg plugin , oauth call url given invitefriends/gmailcallback or direct call like


its not working.

in first case return form token missing tried add form token dynamically below.

$ts = time();     elgg_register_action('invitefriends/gmailcallback',                         true,                         elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'invitefriends/actions/gmailcallback.php?__elgg_token='.generate_action_token($ts).'&__elgg_ts='.$ts); 

but still same error. tried access module file directly works fine ,but problem didn't $_session['oauth_token_secret'] session variable not getting, set in default view , have proper value unable session in action file in direct call method.

iam not sure in elgg standard, please advice me solve problem

thanks in advance..

don't use direct call. first thing: you're using deprecated action registration parameters - update call. assume you're writing elgg 1.8 or later.

you're additng action tokens in wrong way! they're necessary prevent xsrf attacks, need pe added @ url generation. elgg_register_action, need pass action file path, not url. use elgg_add_action_tokens_to_urland read through

you should specific error telling that, didn't mention it.


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