vba - With Excel, trying to find genuine used range from external HTA -
i've been using command:
lastrow = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count
but usedrange property can inaccurate. i'm looking alternative. found great tip explaining method:
lastrow = cells.find("*", searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlprevious).row
this works treat in excel. however, i'm running code hta, need convert line, , i'm struggling. question --- please can offer guidance on how convert simple code hta-compatible one?
out of interest, try circumvent problem, tried writing routine in way understand. result works, slow. here giggles:
set objexcel = getobject(,"excel.application") wb = "test.xlsx" objexcel.workbooks(wb).activate wbactivesheet = objexcel.workbooks(wb).activesheet.name 'determine rows , columns in range of first xls thenumrow = objexcel.workbooks(wb).sheets(wbactivesheet).usedrange.rows.count thenumcol = objexcel.workbooks(wb).sheets(wbactivesheet).usedrange.columns.count 'determine genuine used rows: x = 1 'start @ first row blankrows = 0 'each row y = 1 'start @ first column blankcells = 0 'each column if objexcel.workbooks(wb).sheets(wbactivesheet).cells(x, y).value <> "" thenumrowactual = x 'found non-blank, skip next row exit 'the columns loop else blankcells = blankcells + 1 end if y = y + 1 loop until (y - 1) = thenumcol if blankcells = thenumcol 'blank row blankrows = blankrows + 1 if blankrows = 50 exit end if else blankrows = 0 end if x = x + 1 loop until x = thenumrow 'i.e. until testing area matches usedrange property 'determine genuine used columns: y = 1 'start @ first column blankcols = 0 'each column x = 1 'start @ first row blankcells = 0 'each row if objexcel.workbooks(wb).sheets(wbactivesheet).cells(x, y).value <> "" thenumcolactual = y 'found non-blank, skip next column exit 'the rows loop else blankcells = blankcells + 1 end if x = x + 1 loop until (x - 1) = thenumrowactual if blankcells = thenumrowactual 'blank column blankcols = blankcols + 1 if blankcols = 50 exit end if else blankcols = 0 end if y = y + 1 loop until (y - 1) = thenumcol 'i.e. until testing area matches usedrange property 'bug msgbox "usedrangemethod:" &vbnewline & "rows: " & thenumrow & vbnewline & "columns: " & thenumcol & vbnewline & vbnewline & "newmethod:" & vbnewline & "rows: " & thenumrowactual & vbnewline & "columns: " & thenumcolactual
thank you
it looks have worksheet open , active? in case:
const xlbyrows = 1 const xlprevious = 2 set objexcel = getobject(,"excel.application") lastrow = objexcel.activesheet.cells.find("*", , , , xlbyrows, xlprevious).row
see recent post using vbscript call excel function additional tips.
when you're programming using vba within excel cells
native object can reference directly. when you're outside of excel -- in hta or wsh script -- script has no idea cells
refers to. excel objects have ones create. must work way down chain, main excel (application
) object workbook , sheet before can operate on cells
property. might make more sense if use same names excel does:
' define same objects excel does... set application = getobject(, "excel.application") set thisworkbook = application.activeworkbook ' sheet based on name ("sheet1", in example).. set mysheet = thisworkbook.sheets("sheet1") ' , operate on cells collection... mysheet.cells.find(...)
as shortcut, excel provides activesheet
property can use directly on application
object current sheet, bypassing workbook layer. that's i've used in first code snippet.
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