c# - How to select from DropDownList in HttpWebRequest -

1.httpwebrequest+httpwebresponse login go page "ex.asps" 2.send httpwebrequest(with select option ddl)+httpwebrespons save info need streamreader.

1.i succeed see info work 2.i see dll(id, options,values,name) cant find out way select right option can see , save first one,nut need go trow ddl select 1 one , save data. ex: ddl 4 user , each 1 have own data (age,id...) can save 1 user need change ddl new data

this code

if (islogin)                             {           httpwebresponse redirectresponse = redirecttourl("https://services.test.com/pages/trans.aspx");  stream streamresponse = redirectresponse.getresponsestream(); streamreader streamread = new streamreader(streamresponse); outstring = streamread.readtoend();  system.collections.arraylist straccountlist = getlistbyid("ctl00_placeholdermain_accountsddl_ddlaccounts"); (int intaccountcount = 0; intaccountcount < straccountlist.count; intaccountcount++)           { string[] stracctlist = straccountlist[intaccountcount].tostring().split('\t'); string straccountnumber = stracctlist[0];  poststring += "__eventvalidation=" + getvaluebyid(logininfo, "__eventvalidation") + "&"; poststring += "ctl00$placeholdermain$accountsddl$ddlaccounts=" + straccountnumber + "&";  httpwebrequest postrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("https://services.test.com/currentaccount/pages/current.aspx");      postrequest.cookiecontainer = new cookiecontainer();     postrequest.cookiecontainer = _cookies;     postrequest.method = webrequestmethods.http.post;     postrequest.useragent = "mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 7.0; windows nt 5.1)";     postrequest.allowwritestreambuffering = false;     postrequest.protocolversion = httpversion.version11;     postrequest.allowautoredirect = false;     postrequest.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";      byte[] bytearray = encoding.ascii.getbytes(poststring);     postrequest.contentlength = bytearray.length;     stream newstream = postrequest.getrequeststream();     newstream.write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);     newstream.close();      httpwebresponse postresponse = (httpwebresponse)postrequest.getresponse();     outstring = "";     stream streamresponseloginform = postresponse.getresponsestream();     streamreader streamreadloginform = new streamreader(streamresponseloginform);     outstring = streamreadloginform.readtoend();//here can see data not changed                                       if (outstring == null)                                     {                                         logout();                                     }                                  }  

$("#ctl00_placeholdermain_accountsddl_ddlaccounts")[0].selectedindex = 0;//here select index __dopostback('ctl00_placeholdermain_accountsddl_ddlaccounts','') // here postback 


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