java - Displaying text in a field -

i making simple true or false quiz game, dont know text field should use display quiz questions. tried jtextfield can edit text in it.. want question strings taken question class , displayed in text area.

quiz class

public class quiz {     private jframe frame;     private jbutton yesbutton;     private jbutton nobutton;      /**      * creates game interface      */     public quiz()     {         makeframe();      }      /**      * receive notification of action.      */     public void actionperformed(actionevent event)      {          system.out.println("menu item: " + event.getactioncommand());     }           /**      * quits application.      */     private void quit()     {         system.exit(0);     }     /**      * pop up.      */     private void about()     {         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame,                      "quiz game version 1.0",                     "about quiz",                     joptionpane.information_message);     }       /**      * pop up.      */     private void howtoplay()     {         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame,                      "this simple quiz game answer questions pressing yes or no buttons",                     "how play",                     joptionpane.information_message);     }      /**      * enable's or disable's buttons.      */     private void setbuttonsenabled(boolean status)     {         yesbutton.setenabled(status);         nobutton.setenabled(status);     }     /**      * creates frame , content.      */     private void makeframe()     {         frame = new jframe("quiz");             container contentpane = frame.getcontentpane();         makemenubar(frame);          //jpanel         jpanel panel = new jpanel();         panel.setlayout(new gridlayout(1, 0));          yesbutton = new jbutton("true");         panel.add(yesbutton);          nobutton = new jbutton("false");         panel.add(nobutton);          contentpane.add(panel,;         // end of jpanel          //score         jlabel label = new jlabel("score: ");         contentpane.add(label, borderlayout.north);         //end of score          //combo box         jcombobox noofplayers = new jcombobox();         contentpane.add(noofplayers, borderlayout.south);         noofplayers.additem("1 player");         noofplayers.additem("2 player");         noofplayers.additem("3 player");         noofplayers.additem("4 player");         noofplayers.additem("5 player");          // end of combo box           //            //           //shows frame , places frame @ center of screen         frame.pack();         setbuttonsenabled(false);          //makes application start in center of screen         dimension d = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getscreensize();         frame.setlocation(d.width/2 - frame.getwidth()/2, d.height/2 - frame.getheight()/2);          frame.setvisible(true); 

you can't edit text in jtextfield if call seteditable(false). can't tab onto if call setfocusable(false) on well.


where set it? tried jtextfield qtext = new jtextfield(seteditable(false)); not working.. or have make new method , call method?

your qtext field should private instance field. can call methods in quiz class's constructor.


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