mysql - Can I use a String as a WHERE CLAUSE -

can me jsp problem. im trying update database using code similar this:

so, have on servlet:

string querycondition = "id = 1"; 

that passed stored procedure:

create      definer=`root`@`localhost`      procedure `storedprocedure_1`(querycondition text) begin     update users set name = 'john'     querycondition; end 

i thinking if possible because update fail.
if isn't possible can recommend how can such thing

you can use in stored procedure prepared statement.


delimiter //  create    definer=root@localhost    procedure storedprocedure_1(querycondition text)  begin    set @query := concat( 'update users set name = \'john\' ',                         querycondition );    prepare stmt @query;   execute stmt;   drop prepare stmt; end; //  delimiter ; 


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