polymorphism - Call a derived method from a object in a base vector c++ -

i have doubt polymorphism in c++. have following structure:


#ifndef quaternions_h #define quaternions_h  #include <math.h> #include <ostream>  using namespace std;  class quaternions { private:     float z;     float y;  protected:     float w;     float x;  public:      quaternions();     quaternions(float w, float x, float y, float z);       float module() const;     quaternions conjugate();      quaternions operator +(const quaternions quat);     quaternions operator -(const quaternions quat);     quaternions operator *(const quaternions quat);     quaternions operator /(const quaternions quat);     friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const quaternions& quat);       float getx() const;     float getw() const;     void setx(float x);     void setw(float w);     float gety() const;     float getz() const;     void sety(float y);     void setz(float z);      ~quaternions(); };  #endif 


#include "quaternions.h"   quaternions::quaternions(){      x = 0;     y = 0;     z = 0;     w = 0; }  quaternions::quaternions(float w, float x, float y, float z) : x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w){  }    float quaternions::module() const {      return sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2) + pow(w, 2)); }  quaternions quaternions::conjugate(){      quaternions conj;      conj.setx(-x);     conj.sety(-y);     conj.setz(-z);     conj.setw(w);      return conj;  }  quaternions quaternions::operator +(const quaternions quat){      quaternions sum;      sum.setx(x + quat.getx());     sum.sety(y + quat.gety());     sum.setz(z + quat.getz());     sum.setw(w + quat.getw());      return sum; }  quaternions quaternions::operator -(const quaternions quat){      quaternions sub;      sub.setx(x - quat.getx());     sub.sety(y - quat.gety());     sub.setz(z - quat.getz());     sub.setw(w - quat.getw());      return sub; }   quaternions quaternions::operator *(const quaternions quat){      quaternions mult;      mult.setx(w * quat.getx() + x * quat.getw() + y * quat.getx() - z * quat.gety());     mult.sety(w * quat.gety() - x * quat.getz() + y * quat.getw() + z * quat.getx());     mult.setz(w * quat.getz() + x * quat.gety() - y * quat.getx() + z * quat.getw());     mult.setw(w * quat.getw() - x * quat.getx() - y * quat.gety() - z * quat.getz());      return mult; }  quaternions quaternions::operator /(const quaternions quat){      quaternions div;      div.setx((w * quat.getw() + x * quat.getx() + y * quat.gety() + z * quat.getz())          / (pow(quat.getw(), 2) + pow(quat.getx(), 2) + pow(quat.gety(), 2) + pow(quat.getz(), 2)));     div.sety((x * quat.getw() - w * quat.getx() - z * quat.gety() + y * quat.getz())         / (pow(quat.getw(), 2) + pow(quat.getx(), 2) + pow(quat.gety(), 2) + pow(quat.getz(), 2)));     div.setz((y * quat.getw() + z * quat.getx() - w * quat.gety() - x * quat.getz())         / (pow(quat.getw(), 2) + pow(quat.getx(), 2) + pow(quat.gety(), 2) + pow(quat.getz(), 2)));     div.setw((z * quat.getw() - y * quat.getx() - x * quat.gety() - w * quat.getz())         / (pow(quat.getw(), 2) + pow(quat.getx(), 2) + pow(quat.gety(), 2) + pow(quat.getz(), 2)));      return div; }  ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const quaternions& quat){      return os << "q = " << quat.getx() << "i + " << quat.gety() << "j + " << quat.getz() << "k + " << quat.getw(); }   float quaternions::getx() const{     return x; }  float quaternions::gety() const{     return y; }  float quaternions::getz() const{     return z; }  float quaternions::getw() const{     return w; }   void quaternions::setx(float x) {     this->x = x; }  void quaternions::sety(float y) {     this->y = y; }  void quaternions::setz(float z) {     this->z = z; }  void quaternions::setw(float w) {     this->w = w; }  quaternions::~quaternions() { } 


#ifndef complex_h #define complex_h  #include "quaternions.h" class complex :     public quaternions { public:     complex();     complex(float x, float y);      complex conjugate();     float module() const;      complex operator +(const complex comp);     complex operator -(const complex comp);     complex operator *(const complex comp);     complex operator /(const complex comp);     friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const complex& comp);       ~complex(); };  #endif 


#include "complex.h"  complex::complex() : quaternions(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) {  }  complex::complex(float x, float y) : quaternions(x, y, 0.0, 0.0) { }  complex complex::conjugate(){     quaternions a(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     = a.conjugate();     return complex(a.getw(), a.getx()); }  float complex::module() const{      return quaternions(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0).module(); }   complex complex::operator +(const complex comp){     quaternions a(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions b(comp.getw(), comp.getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions soma = + b;     return complex(soma.getw(), soma.getx()); }  complex complex::operator -(const complex comp){     quaternions a(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions b(comp.getw(), comp.getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions sub = - b;     return complex(sub.getw(), sub.getx()); }  complex complex::operator *(const complex comp){     quaternions a(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions b(comp.getw(), comp.getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions mult = * b;     return complex(mult.getw(), mult.getx()); }  complex complex::operator /(const complex comp){     quaternions a(getw(), getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions b(comp.getw(), comp.getx(), 0.0, 0.0);     quaternions mult = / b;     return complex(mult.getw(), mult.getx()); }  ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const complex& comp){      return os << "c = " << comp.getw() << " + " << comp.getx() << "i"; }  complex::~complex() { } 

and qstore

#include "qstore.h"   qstore::qstore() : size(0), count(0) {     qstore = null; }  qstore::qstore(int size) : size(size), count(0) {     qstore = new quaternions[size]; }  void qstore::add(quaternions *quat){     if (count < size){         qstore[count++] = *quat;     } }  void qstore::list() {     (int = 0; i<size; i++)     {         cout << qstore[i] << endl;     } }  qstore::~qstore() {     delete[] qstore; } 

what interests overload operators <<. need store several quaternions , complexes inside of vector in qstore , after list objects stored. can see complex inherits quaternions , on method add in qstore receive quaternions. happening when insert objects , show them, quaternions showed on screen. question is, how doing distinguish them?

thank , sorry poor english. phsil

i solved problem. started using vector, found how solve without vectors. new class qstore is:

#ifndef qstore_h #define qstore_h  #include "quaternions.h" #include <vector>  class qstore { private: int count; std::vector<quaternions*> qstore; public: qstore(); void add(quaternions *quat); void list(); ~qstore(); };  #endif 

the problem created vector of qstore follows:

quaternions *qstore; 

and needed create in form:

 quaternions **qstore; 

because in method:

void qstore::list() { (int = 0; i< count; i++) {     qstore[i]->tostring();     cout << endl; } } 

i need point correct instance of quaternion 1 (complex or quaternion) , need pointer of pointer able access tostring of complex instance stored in vector of quaternions , not time access tostring of quaternion one, initial problem.

thank trying me.



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