Variable of variable in Ansible Playbook -

i trying access variables defined in group_vars


parent1:   child1: somevalue1   child2: somevalue2  parent2:   child1: somevalue1   child2: somevalue2 

now passing parent detail ansible playbook vars this

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e "parent=parent1" 

now how can access parent1.child1 value parent1 comes in {{ parent }} vars?

my playbook this:-


- hosts: local   user: roop   gather_facts: no   connection: local    vars:       parent: ""    tasks:     #get parent value   - debug: msg={{ parent }}    #trying access parent1.child1 value here   - debug: msg={{ {{ parent }}.child1 }} 

playbook output:-

play [local] ******************************************************************  task: [debug msg=local] ******************************************************* ok: [] => {     "msg": "parent1" }  task: [debug msg={{{{parent}}.child1}}] *************************************** ok: [] => {     "msg": "{{{{parent}}.child1}}" }  play recap ********************************************************************                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 

can guide how can achieve or alternate solution.

how have done this

change group_vars/all below:-

data:     parent1:       child1: somevalue1       child2: somevalue2      parent2:       child1: somevalue1       child2: somevalue2 

change in playbook.yml:-

 - debug: msg={{ data[parent].child1 }} 

please share if have better solution :)


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