c - PWM output is not working on STM32F10x OPEN107V Development board -

hello have got "stm32f10x open107v development board" ,i have modified code pwm given manufacturer ,but not getting pwm output on leds given on development board please following code. gpio_pins 0,1,14,15 on portb(gpiob) led pins given on development board.the code error free , has no errors while linking.as begginer don't understand problem.

   /**     -----------------------------------------------------------------*/           #include "stm32f10x_gpio.h"           #include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"           #include "stm32f10x_tim.h"         tim_timebaseinittypedef  tim_timebasestructure;      tim_ocinittypedef  tim_ocinitstructure;      uint16_t ccr1_val = 333;      uint16_t ccr2_val = 249;      uint16_t ccr3_val = 166;      uint16_t ccr4_val = 83;      uint16_t prescalervalue ;         /* private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/     void rcc_configuration(void);     void gpio_configuration(void);        /* private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/         /**       int main(void)      {       rcc_configuration();      /*gpio configuration */      gpio_configuration();       prescalervalue =(72000000 / 24000000) - 1;     /* time base configuration */     tim_timebasestructure.tim_period = 665;     tim_timebasestructure.tim_prescaler = prescalervalue;     tim_timebasestructure.tim_clockdivision = 4;     tim_timebasestructure.tim_countermode = tim_countermode_up;      tim_timebaseinit(tim3, &tim_timebasestructure);      /* pwm1 mode configuration: channel1 */     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_ocmode = tim_ocmode_pwm1;     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_outputstate = tim_outputstate_enable;     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_pulse = ccr1_val;     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_ocpolarity = tim_ocpolarity_high;      tim_oc1init(tim3, &tim_ocinitstructure);      tim_oc1preloadconfig(tim3, tim_ocpreload_enable);      /* pwm1 mode configuration: channel2 */     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_outputstate = tim_outputstate_enable;     tim_ocinitstructure.tim_pulse = ccr2_val;      tim_oc2init(tim3, &tim_ocinitstructure);       tim_oc2preloadconfig(tim3, tim_ocpreload_enable);       /* pwm1 mode configuration: channel3 */      tim_ocinitstructure.tim_outputstate = tim_outputstate_enable;      tim_ocinitstructure.tim_pulse = ccr3_val;       tim_oc3init(tim3, &tim_ocinitstructure);        tim_oc3preloadconfig(tim3, tim_ocpreload_enable);         /* tim3 enable counter */      tim_cmd(tim3, enable);     while (1)     {}    }      void rcc_configuration(void)    {         /* tim3 clock enable */    rcc_apb1periphclockcmd(rcc_apb1periph_tim3, enable);      /* gpioa , gpiob clock enable */    rcc_apb2periphclockcmd( rcc_apb2periph_gpiob | rcc_apb2periph_afio, enable);     }       void gpio_configuration(void)     {      gpio_inittypedef gpio_initstructure;       /*gpiob configuration: tim3 channel1, 2, 3 , 4 */      gpio_initstructure.gpio_pin =  gpio_pin_0 | gpio_pin_1 | gpio_pin_14|gpio_pin_15 ;      gpio_initstructure.gpio_mode = gpio_mode_af_pp;      gpio_initstructure.gpio_speed = gpio_speed_50mhz;       gpio_init(gpiob, &gpio_initstructure);       gpio_pinremapconfig(gpio_fullremap_tim3, enable);         } 

first of all, if check on stm32f107 datasheet (that's mcu assume have), pb0 , pb1 pins can mapped tim3_ch3 , tim3_ch4, pb14 , pb15 can't mapped tim3 channels -- tim1 channels. see table 5 on section 3, version of datasheet @ least.

second, you're using afio remap feature, given call gpio_pinremapconfig(). 2 pins indeed connected leds (pb0 , pb1) don't need remap, while other 2 (pb14 , pb15) can't remapped tim3 channels no matter do.

concretely, can pwm outputs on 2 pins (pb0 , pb1) minimal code changes doing away call gpio_pinremapconfig(). pb14 , pb15, you'll need configure tim1 going need lot of code. unfortunately, there's nothing can map pins tim3.


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