ios7 - IBM Worklight 6.0 - How to display properly sized splash image in iPhone 5? -

in our app, splash screen size showing same both iphone 4 , iphone 5. result of this, there 2 gaps (one on top , 1 on bottom) when app launched.

how go fixing issue?

in ios 7 know apple changed how status bar "operates". status bar is part of app layout default. means overlaps splash image @ top. that's fine.

also, can see when launching new , unmodified worklight-based app ios environment in ios simulator or idevice, splash image not produce "cut lines" @ top , bottom. displays properly:

enter image description here

what need create sized image of own and name correctly. way name file essential - how ios knows how handle it.

see apple human interface guidelines:

see bit more here:

for example, iphone 5 , above launch image needs 640 x 1136 pixels , can titled: default-568h@2x~iphone.png , place in your-app\iphone\native\resources:

enter image description here


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