java - How to convert a JOptionPane to a JDialog -

i need convert joptionpage jdialog, because need rid of quirky "ok" button. below code...

joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, interface, caption, joptionpane.warning_message, icon); 

interface gui, "caption" title, have warning message, have custom icon.

this might not possible given info, need rid of ok. appreciated.

why not create jdialog , put interface object contentpane, pack , display it. simple.

you state:

obviously joptionpane small, jdialog i'd have create window , more stuff. gui created, , can import joptionpane. can't jdialog believe.

i'm confused. mean "the gui"? again, if jpanel, again, put jdialog.

for instance if in actionlistener

public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {   // assuming being called within jframe named myframe   jdialog dialog = new jdialog(myframe, "dialog title", modalitytype.application_modal);   dialog.getcontentpane().add(interface);   dialog.pack();   dialog.setlocationrelativeto(myframe);   dialog.setvisible(true); } 

another option use joptionpane constructor, , create without showing it, , convert jdialog joptionpane api shows how do, may still have ok or similar button deal with.


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