r - ScatterPlot and ONLY one Histogram plot together -

i want visualize time series data 'scatter plot' , histogram on right side, haven't been able figure out how turn off histogram on upper side.

code example:

install.packages("psych") library(psych) data = matrix(rnorm(n=100000,mean=2,sd=1.5), nrow = 100, ncol=1000) fs = list() fs$p_z = 1*(data>2) n_p = 1;   for(i in floor(seq(1,dim(data)[2],length.out=n_p))) {   scatter.hist(x = rep(1:length(data[,i])), y = data[,i],                xlab = 'observations',                ylab = 'log(tpm)',                title = 'mixture plot',                col = c("red","blue")[fs$p_z[,i]+1],                 correl = false, ellipse = false, smooth = false) } 


scatter plot 2 histograms, 1 upper side , 1 on right side

expected result: same 1 have no histogram on upper side. i.e., histogram on right side log(tpm).

note: using psych package, scatter.hist function seemed easy , nice use, couldn't find how turn off 1 histogram.

where flexibility ends, hacking begins. if @ scatter.hist function, see pretty basic usage of r base graphics. following modified code create plot want:

scat.hist <- function(x, y, xlab = null, ylab = null, title = "", ...) {  ## create layout layout(matrix(c(1,2),1,2,byrow=true), c(3,1), c(1,3))  ## plot scatter par(mar=c(5,5,3,1)) plot(x= x, y = y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = title, ...)  ## right histogram yhist <- hist(y, plot = false, breaks = 11) par(mar=c(5,2,3,1)) mp <- barplot(yhist$density, space=0, horiz=true, axes = false) ## density d <- density(y, na.rm = true, bw = "nrd", adjust = 1.2) temp <- d$y         d$y <- (mp[length(mp)] - mp[1] + 1) * (d$x - min(yhist$breaks))/(max(yhist$breaks) - min(yhist$breaks))         d$x <- temp lines(d) } 

let's try first row:

i = 1 scat.hist(x = seq_along(data[,i]), y = data[,i], col = c("red", "blue")[fs$p_z[,i]+1], xlab = 'observations', ylab = 'log(tpm)', title = 'mixture plot') 

enter image description here


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