c# - ComboBox - Set selected item by enum name -

i initialize cb enum values so:

private void initprioritys() {     m_prioritycombobox.datasource = enum.getnames(typeof(mpriority)).toarray(); } 

after want update selected item:

m_prioritycombobox.selecteditem = (mpriority)i_data.priority; 

this enum:

public enum mpriority {     critical,     high,     important,     medium } 

the problem no matter value i_data.priority has slected item stays first index.

you should change m_prioritycombobox.selecteditem = enum.getname(typeof(mpriority), (mpriority)i_data.priority);

since data source array of strings -- because of enum.getnames(typeof(mpriority)).toarray(); -- not enums, need reference each item string.


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