Get UUID of local low energy bluetooth device in Android -

i'm trying access uuid of low energy bluetooth devices in android, post string web api.

here's code works fine @ toasting local name , mac address:

private final broadcastreceiver actionfoundreceiver = new broadcastreceiver(){      @override     public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {          string action = intent.getaction();          if(bluetoothdevice.action_found.equals(action)) {              bluetoothdevice device = intent.getparcelableextra(bluetoothdevice.extra_device);              string smac     = device.getaddress();             string sname    = device.getname();             string suuid    = ""; //help!              toast toast = toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "mac: " + smac + " - name: " + sname + " - uuid: " + suuid, toast.length_short);   ;          }      }  }; 

can this?

there can multiple uuids - represent ble characteristics of device.

you can iterate on array of uuids , grab 1 want.

if you're looking unique identifier single device want mac address can via bluetoothdevice.getaddress()


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