c++ - using templates in a struct -

i need have variable struct inside struct. so, want able include data kind of struct in struct. think possible template isn't working out:

namespace basestructs {     template<typedef t>     struct packet     {         int id;         t data;     };  } 

so, have if make object of struct this:

basestructs::packet packet; 

it doesn't work because program wants me choose template struct want "data" variable changeable. ideas on how solve this?

what want create small object holds id in example , need add data object (which might differ in number of variables , such).

a template struct - template. impossible initialize instance of template without giving specific type should locked to. when happens, new concrete type created templte.

for example, code:

basestructs::packet<foo> foopacket; basestructs::packet<bar> barpacket; 

would cause compiler create 2 new concrete types following definitions:

struct {     int id;     foo data; }; struct {     int id;     bar data; }; 

the original template struct still exists. neither of these new types cause change meaning.


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