java - Error with compareTo method -
everything runs in post office file except when run post office file, says there problem compareto method in letters file. error reads:
----jgrasp exec: java postoffice exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ letter.compareto( @ letter.compareto( @ sortsearchutil.selectionsort( @ postoffice.sortletters( @ postoffice.main( ----jgrasp wedge: exit code process 1. ----jgrasp: operation complete.
i don't know wrong method. compareto method supposed compare current letter 1 passed in first zip code, street value of address if zip codes same.
here's post office method:
import java.util.*; import*; public class postoffice { private final int max = 1000; private letter [] ltrara = new letter[max]; private int count; public static void main(string [] args) { postoffice postoffice = new postoffice(); postoffice.readletters(""); postoffice.sortletters(); postoffice.printletters(); } public postoffice() { letter [] letters = ltrara; this.count = 0; } public void readletters(string filename) { int count = 0; int iwork = 0; scanner fin = new scanner(filename); string toname, tostreet, tocity, tostate, tozip; string fromname, fromstreet, fromcity, fromstate, fromzip, temp; double weight; string swork; fin = fileutil.openinputfile(filename); if (fin != null) { while (fin.hasnext()) { toname = fin.nextline(); tostreet = fin.nextline(); swork = fin.nextline(); iwork = swork.indexof(","); tocity = swork.substring(0, iwork); iwork = iwork + 2; tostate = swork.substring(iwork, iwork + 2); iwork = iwork + 3; tozip = swork.substring(iwork); fromname = fin.nextline(); fromstreet = fin.nextline(); swork = fin.nextline(); iwork = swork.indexof(","); fromcity = swork.substring(0, iwork); iwork = iwork + 2; fromstate = swork.substring(iwork, iwork + 2); iwork = iwork + 3; fromzip = swork.substring(iwork); swork = fin.nextline(); weight = double.parsedouble(swork); ltrara[count] = new letter(toname, tostreet, tocity, tostate, tozip, fromname, fromstreet, fromcity, fromstate, fromzip, weight); count++; } fin.close(); } } public void sortletters() { sortsearchutil.selectionsort(ltrara); } public void printletters() { (letter ltr : ltrara) { system.out.println(ltr); system.out.println(); } } }
here's letters method:
public class letter extends postoffice implements comparable<letter> { private static final double postagerate = 0.46; private string fromname; private address fromaddress; private string toname; private address toaddress; private double weight; public letter (string fromname, string fromstreet, string fromcity, string fromstate, string fromzip, string toname, string tostreet, string tocity, string tostate, string tozip, double weight) { this.fromname = fromname; this.fromaddress = new address(fromstreet, fromcity, fromstate, fromzip); this.toname = toname; this.toaddress = new address(tostreet, tocity, tostate, tozip); this.weight = weight; } public string tostring() { string result; result = string.format("from: %s\t\t\t%5.2f\n%s", fromname, letter.getpostage(weight), fromaddress); result = result + string.format("\n\n\t\t\tto: %s\n\t\t\t%s", toname, toaddress); return result; } public int compareto(letter that) { int value; value = this.toaddress.getzip().compareto(that.toaddress.getzip()); return value; } public static double getpostage(double weight) { double workweight; workweight = weight + 0.999; workweight = (int)workweight; return workweight * postagerate; } }
you exception whenever that
null, variable assignment redundant.
public int compareto(letter that) { if (this.toaddress == null) { if (that == null || that.toaddress == null) { return 0; } return -1; } if (that == null) return 1; // <-- add this. // int value; // value = this.toaddress.getzip().compareto(that.toaddress.getzip()); return this.toaddress.getzip().compareto(that.toaddress.getzip()); }
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