c# - Cookies not working using WebClient on Windows Phone -

my problem when use new webclient send url webservice asks me login, , after searched issue found need save cookies not working me.

and upon request full code

namespace phoneapp8 {     public partial class mainpage : phoneapplicationpage     {         // constructor         public mainpage()         {             initializecomponent();              // sample code localize applicationbar             //buildlocalizedapplicationbar();         }          public class outerrootobject         {             public string d { get; set; }         }          public class globals         {             public bool multisessionsallowed { get; set; }             public int commcalctype { get; set; }             public int pricechangedtimer { get; set; }             public int validlotslocation { get; set; }             public bool custumizetrademsg { get; set; }             public object firstwhitelabeledoffice { get; set; }             public int dealertreepriv { get; set; }             public int clientconnecttimer { get; set; }             public int clienttimeouttimer { get; set; }             public double defaultlots { get; set; }             public string websecurityid { get; set; }             public int servergmt { get; set; }         }          public class versioninfo         {             public int rel { get; set; }             public int ver { get; set; }             public int patch { get; set; }             public int forceupdate { get; set; }             public int updatetype { get; set; }             public globals globals { get; set; }         }          public class systemlockinfo         {             public int minutesremaining { get; set; }             public int hoursremaining { get; set; }             public int daysremaining { get; set; }             public int maintanance { get; set; }             public int willbelocked { get; set; }         }          public class rootobject         {             public string sessionid { get; set; }             public versioninfo versioninfo { get; set; }             public systemlockinfo systemlockinfo { get; set; }             public string firstwhitelabel { get; set; }             public string wlid { get; set; }             public bool checkwhitelabel { get; set; }             public string password { get; set; }             public string username { get; set; }             public datetime lastticktime { get; set; }             public int selectedaccount { get; set; }             public int name { get; set; }             public object servicepath { get; set; }             public string gwsessionid { get; set; }             public string ip { get; set; }             public string sessiondatestart { get; set; }             public string companyname { get; set; }             public string userid { get; set; }             public string democlient { get; set; }             public string fname { get; set; }             public string sname { get; set; }             public string tname { get; set; }             public string lname { get; set; }             public object sms { get; set; }             public string isreadonly { get; set; }             public string schsms { get; set; }             public string alertsms { get; set; }             public object temp { get; set; }             public string gmtoffset { get; set; }             public string svrgmt { get; set; }             public object clienttype { get; set; }             public string enablenews { get; set; }             public string publicslidenews { get; set; }             public string privateslidenews { get; set; }             public int dealertreepriv { get; set; }         }           private void button_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)         {             string baseuri = "http://ip in comment/vertexweb10/webservice.svc/login?username=%22user15650%22&password=%22898k%22";             cookieawarewebclient wc = new cookieawarewebclient();             wc.downloadstringcompleted += parseproducts_asjson;             uri uri = new uri(baseuri);             wc.downloadstringasync(uri);         }          private void parseproducts_asjson(object sender, downloadstringcompletedeventargs e)         {             string raw = e.result;             string webresponse = e.result;              messagebox.show(webresponse string);             var outerroot = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<outerrootobject>(webresponse);             var root = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<rootobject>(outerroot.d);              messagebox.show("hello " + root.username + "    " + root.userid + "    " + root.sessionid);             var useridval= convert.toint16 (root.userid);              if (useridval == -1 || useridval == -207)                 messagebox.show("invalid username or password");             else if (useridval == -231)             {                 messagebox.show("you must have @ least 1 account");             }              else if (webresponse == null || webresponse == "" || useridval < 0)             {                 messagebox.show("error while login.please try later");             }              else if (useridval > 0)             {                  string baseuri1 = "http://ip in comment/vertexweb10/webservice.svc/getallsymbols?accountid=1122336675";                 cookieawarewebclient wc1 = new cookieawarewebclient();                 wc1.downloadstringcompleted += parseproducts_asjson1;                 uri uri1 = new uri(baseuri1);                 wc1.downloadstringasync(uri1);                 messagebox.show("you have loged in");                 navigationservice.navigate(new uri("/page2.xaml", urikind.relative));             }              else             {                 messagebox.show("invalid username or password");             }            }          private void parseproducts_asjson1(object sender, downloadstringcompletedeventargs e)         {             string raw1 = e.result;             string webresponse1 = e.result;             messagebox.show(webresponse1 string);         }          private void textbox_textchanged(object sender, textchangedeventargs e)         {          }          class cookieawarewebclient : webclient         {             [system.security.securitysafecritical]             private cookiecontainer cookie;              public cookiecontainer cookie { { return cookie; } }              public cookieawarewebclient()             {                 cookie = new cookiecontainer();             }              public cookieawarewebclient(cookiecontainer givencontainer)             {                 cookie = givencontainer;             }         }     } } 

i think error in cookie container, last cookieaware use (i have tried more 10 cookie container codes)

this code, calls first url , response if response good, copies cookie sessioncookie variable. , uses in second call

declare sessioncookie in same page

public static cookiecontainer sessioncookie; 

and copy in button click

  public static async task<string> sendrequestgetresponse()     {         try         {                    var postrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("");              postrequest.method = "get";             if (sessioncookie == null)             {                 postrequest.cookiecontainer = new cookiecontainer();             }             else             {                 postrequest.cookiecontainer = sessioncookie;             }              httpwebresponse postresponse = (httpwebresponse)await postrequest.getresponseasync();              if (postresponse != null)             {                 var postresponsestream = postresponse.getresponsestream();                 var poststreamreader = new streamreader(postresponsestream);                  string response = await poststreamreader.readtoendasync();                  if (sessioncookie == null)                 {                     sessioncookie = postrequest.cookiecontainer;                 }             }          var postrequest1 = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("");                           postrequest1.method = "get";             if (sessioncookie == null)             {                 postrequest1.cookiecontainer = new cookiecontainer();             }             else             {                 postrequest1.cookiecontainer = sessioncookie;             }              httpwebresponse postresponse1 = (httpwebresponse)await postrequest1.getresponseasync();              if (postresponse1 != null)             {                 var postresponsestream1 = postresponse1.getresponsestream();                 var poststreamreader1 = new streamreader(postresponsestream1);                  string response1 = await poststreamreader1.readtoendasync();              }      }   } 


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