sql - PostgreSQL text range scan -

i have written query aim 10 results including current one, padding 9 entries on either side alphabetical list can sorted reciever. query using, issue not result, but because neither of queries using index.

(   select     uid,     title       books     lower(title) < lower('frankenstein')   order title desc   limit 9 ) union (   select     uid,     title       books     lower(title) >= lower('frankenstein')   order title   limit 10 ) order title; 

the index trying utilize simple btree, no text_pattern_ops etc below:

create index books_title_idx on books using btree (lower(title));

if run explain on first part of unioin, in spite of limit , order, performs full table scan

explain analyze  select   uid,   title   books lower(title) < lower('frankenstein') order title desc limit 9 

limit (cost=69.04..69.06 rows=9 width=152) (actual time=6.276..6.292 rows=9 loops=1) -> sort (cost=69.04..69.67 rows=251 width=152) (actual time=6.273..6.277 rows=9 loops=1) sort key: ((title)) sort method: top-n heapsort memory: 25kb -> seq scan on books (cost=0.00..63.80 rows=251 width=152) (actual time=0.056..5.227 rows=267 loops=1) filter: (lower((title)) < 'frankenstein'::text) rows removed filter: 486 total runtime: 6.359 ms

when equality check on same query - the index used

explain analyze select   uid,   title   books lower(title) = lower('frankenstein') order title desc 

sort (cost=17.04..17.05 rows=4 width=152) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=0 loops=1) sort key: ((title)) sort method: quicksort memory: 25kb -> bitmap heap scan on books (cost=4.31..17.00 rows=4 width=152) (actual time=0.041..0.041 rows=0 loops=1) recheck cond: (lower((title)) = 'frankenstein'::text) -> bitmap index scan on books_title_idx (cost=0.00..4.31 rows=4 width=0) (actual time=0.036..0.036 rows=0 loops=1) index cond: (lower((title)) = 'frankenstein'::text) total runtime: 0.129 ms

and same applies when between query

explain analyze select   uid,   title   books lower(title) > lower('frankenstein') , lower(title) < lower('gulliver''s travels') order title 

sort (cost=17.08..17.09 rows=4 width=152) (actual time=0.511..0.529 rows=25 loops=1) sort key: (title) sort method: quicksort memory: 27kb -> bitmap heap scan on books (cost=4.33..17.04 rows=4 width=152) (actual time=0.118..0.213 rows=25 loops=1) recheck cond: ((lower(title) > 'frankenstein'::text) , (lower(title) < 'gulliver''s travels'::text)) -> bitmap index scan on books_title_idx (cost=0.00..4.33 rows=4 width=0) (actual time=0.087..0.087 rows=25 loops=1) index cond: ((lower(title) > 'frankenstein'::text) , (lower(title) < 'gulliver''s travels'::text)) total runtime: 0.621 ms

what looking here not between search because beginning , end unknown. postgresql limitation or there other manipulating cost of table scan silly can use convince query planner use index?

i using postgresql 9.3


order lower(title) desc


order lower(title)

to match functional index, can utilized.
order by irrelevant selection of rows in other 2 queries. that's why index can used in cases.


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