haskell - Cabal reporting it can't find module -

i have configured following cabal file when cabal build error in file tasty.hs saying could not find module tictac.essential, missing here?

name:                tdd version:    cabal-version:       >=1.8 -- synopsis:             -- description:          -- license:              license-file:        license author:              adfaf maintainer:          info@adfadsf.se -- copyright:            -- category:             build-type:          simple extra-source-files:  readme  library   hs-source-dirs:      src   build-depends:       base >= 4   ghc-options:         -wall   exposed-modules      tictac.essential     default-language:    haskell2010  test-suite tasty   type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0    build-depends:       base >=4.6 && <4.7, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, tdd   hs-source-dirs:      test   main-is:             tasty.hs  

source of tasty.hs

module main  import test.tasty import test.tasty.quickcheck qc   import tictac.essential 

you're missing colon after "exposed-modules". should be

library   hs-source-dirs:      src   build-depends:       base >= 4   ghc-options:         -wall   exposed-modules:     tictac.essential     default-language:    haskell2010 


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