jquery - Html5 Input Pattern doesn't accept right input after correcting -

i have html form 2 input fields. 1 emails , on amount of money user can enter. have regex checks whether user enters correct amount bigger 0.40€.

the problem :

1. enter incorrect amount of money ( example : 0.39€ ) >> says correctly .. "please enter correct amount ... "

2. correct value 0.41€ ( correct ), input field still says "please enter correct amount ... "

<input required="" id="custommoney" name="custommoney" type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" value="25.00€" oninvalid="setcustomvalidity('enter correct amount > 0.40€')" pattern="^(?:(?:[1-9][0-9]*(?:(?:.|,)d{2})?)|(?:0(?:(?:.|,)(?:4[1-9]|[5-9]d))))€?$"> 

i couldn't recreate problem 100% on jsfiddle shows there wrong input pattern


i use jquery , jquery mobile !


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