c# - Can not apply indexing with[] to an expression of type method group." -

i working itextsharp c#.net , dealing rendertext method getting "can not apply indexing with[] expression of type method group." error in below "chunk location" section. here code:

public virtual void rendertext(textrenderinfo renderinfo)         {             linesegment segment = renderinfo.getbaseline();             textchunk location = new textchunk(renderinfo.gettext(), segment.getstartpoint(), segment.getendpoint(), renderinfo.getsinglespacewidth());              **"//chunk location:"**             debug.print(renderinfo.gettext());             location.posleft =renderinfo.getdescentline().getstartpoint[vector.i1])); //in below 4 lines getting error.             location.posright = renderinfo.getascentline().getendpoint[vector.i1];             location.posbottom = renderinfo.getdescentline().getstartpoint[vector.i2];             location.postop = renderinfo.getascentline().getendpoint[vector.i2];              //chunk font size: (height)             location.curfontsize = location.postop - segment.getstartpoint()[vector.i2];             //use font name  , size key in sortedlist             string strkey = renderinfo.getfont().postscriptfontname + location.curfontsize.tostring();             //add font thispdfdocfonts sortedlist if it's not present             if (!thispdfdocfonts.containskey(strkey))             {                 thispdfdocfonts.add(strkey, renderinfo.getfont());             }             //store sortedlist index in chunk, can later             location.fontindex = thispdfdocfonts.indexofkey(strkey);             locationalresult.add(location);         } 

you need place indexing after method call.

location.posleft =renderinfo.getdescentline().getstartpoint()[vector.i1]; location.posright = renderinfo.getascentline().getendpoint()[vector.i1]; location.posbottom = renderinfo.getdescentline().getstartpoint()[vector.i2]; location.postop = renderinfo.getascentline().getendpoint()[vector.i2]; 


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