handlebars.js - ember.js attribute binding and the event object -
so far, looks ember not work expected, , i'm hoping i've missed something. need iterate on model, blob of json made of arrays , objects, , build out form. when user marks checkbox, controllers action updates model.
here's how want work...
<form {{action 'answersupplied'}}> {{#each model.questions}} <h3>{{text}}</h3> {{#each answers}} {{input type='../type' answerid='id' data-bind-questionnum='../id' text}} {{/each}} {{/each}} </form>
here's how can close that...
<form {{action 'answersupplied' this}}> {{#each model.questions}} <h3>{{text}}</h3> {{#each answers}} {{formbuilder ../type id ../id text}} {{/each}} {{/each}} </form> ================== handlebars.registerhelper('formbuilder', function(type, id, qnum, text, options) { // console.log(options); var q_type = options.contexts[0][type], a_id = options.contexts[1].id, q_number = options.contexts[0][qnum], a_text = options.contexts[1].text; return new handlebars.safestring( '<input type='+ q_type +' id='+ a_id +' name='+ q_number +'>'+ a_text + '</input><br/>' ); } });
the big problem wit is, can not identify element clicked because don't have access event object.
can manually bind action 'data-ember-action', , pass in params? or, far outside ember way?
== update ==
here's above jsfiddle, improved passing parameters action. event propagation seems halted in action resulting in inputs not getting marked. radio buttons loose grouping, , checkboxes not checked.
ember can handle you're doing here. first it's easier keep scope , generate named each loops.
<form {{action 'answersupplied'}}> {{#each question in model.questions}} <h3>{{question.text}}</h3> {{#each answer in question.answers}} {{input type=question.type answerid=answer.id data-bind-questionnum=question.id placeholder=answer.text}} {{/each}} {{/each}} </form>
you may have if statements labels etc around input statements.
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