android - Cocos2d-x v3.0rc1 PhysicsBody Contact Issue -
having issue physics body collisions/contacts aren't working way anticipate. may misinterpreting how they're supposed work. understanding if physicsbodya has category bitmask of 0x1, , physicsbodyb has contact test bitmask of 0x1, contact tests should evaluate true , should getting callback event dispatcher.
this isn't working, however. way contact evaluating true of set physicsbodya's contact bitmask match category bitmask of physicsbodyb. basically, category , contact test bitmasks must mirror 1 another. in practice looks this:
bool testlayer::init() { // call super init if (!layer::init()) { return false; } // screen size size visiblesize = director::getinstance()->getvisiblesize(); // bitmasks int bitmask_boundary = 0x1 << 0; int bitmask_hero = 0x1 << 1; // boundary node node *boundarynode = node::create(); boundarynode->setanchorpoint(point(0.5, 0.5)); boundarynode->setposition(point(visiblesize.width/2.0, visiblesize.height/2.0)); // physics body boundary node physicsbody *boundarybody = physicsbody::createedgebox(visiblesize); boundarybody->setcategorybitmask(bitmask_boundary); boundarybody->setcontacttestbitmask(bitmask_hero); boundarybody->setdynamic(false); // set boundary body , add scene boundarynode->setphysicsbody(boundarybody); this->addchild(boundarynode); // hero node sprite *hero = sprite::create("hero_ship.png"); hero->setposition(point(visiblesize.width/2.0, visiblesize.height - 30.0)); // physics body hero node physicsbody *herobody = physicsbody::createbox(hero->getcontentsize()); herobody->setcategorybitmask(bitmask_hero); // set hero body , add scene hero->setphysicsbody(herobody); this->addchild(hero); /* * notice: if don't set contact test bitmask on hero * body, event listener oncontactbegin callback not * called. */ herobody->setcontacttestbitmask(bitmask_boundary); // create event listener eventlistenerphysicscontact *listener = eventlistenerphysicscontact::create(); // use lambda listener callback listener->oncontactbegin = [](physicscontact &contact) { cclog("physics contact began."); return true; }; // register listener event dispatcher this->geteventdispatcher()->addeventlistenerwithscenegraphpriority(listener, this); // worked out on init, return true return true; }
from box2d manual:
-------- quoted
collision filtering allows prevent collision between fixtures. example, make character rides bicycle. want bicycle collide terrain , character collide terrain, don't want character collide bicycle (because must overlap). box2d supports such collision filtering using categories , groups. box2d supports 16 collision categories. each fixture can specify category belongs to. specify other categories fixture can collide with. example, specify in multiplayer game players don't collide each other , monsters don't collide each other, players , monsters should collide. done masking bits. example:
playerfixturedef.filter.categorybits = 0x0002; monsterfixturedef.filter.categorybits = 0x0004; playerfixturedef.filter.maskbits = 0x0004; monsterfixturedef.filter.maskbits = 0x0002;
here rule collision occur:
uint16 cata = fixturea.filter.categorybits; uint16 maska = fixturea.filter.maskbits; uint16 catb = fixtureb.filter.categorybits; uint16 maskb = fixtureb.filter.maskbits; if ((cata & maskb) != 0 && (catb & maska) != 0) { // fixtures can collide }
-------- end of quote
so bottom line if want 2 things react same way each other in terms of collisions, both must have same category , mask bits.
for more (very good) in-depth discussion of this, go ahead , look @ site (no, not mine).
for other interesting box2d stuff, look here (this 1 mine).
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