How to get a scheduler and AMQP to work together properly in Ruby? -
what want start recurring process every hour publishes batch of messages rmq exchange on our server.
i have class, let's call rmqprocess
, fires amqp event loop. thought use rufus-scheduler this:
scheduler.every '10s', :times=>6 process = process.start end scheduler.join
this works...except each time through loop, amqp channel increases (from 2 4 6 etc...). think means channels not being closed properly, present problem.
i guess summarize question, proper (or @ least proper) way sort of thing? should amqp process fired before entering scheduler process or doing right way? have roll own scheduling logic inside amqp event loop? fear, because seems there must better way. advice appreciated.
for reference, here start method (in case i'm publishing nonsense sentences using randomtext gem):
def start begin puts @rmq_params amqp.start(@rmq_params) |connection| connection.on_error |ch, connection_close| puts "#{connection_close.reply_text}" end connection.on_tcp_connection_loss |conn, settings| puts "[network failure] trying reconnect..." conn.reconnect(false, 2) end channel =, :auto_recovery => true) puts "channel id = #{}" exchange =,:durable => true) exchange.publish(lorem.words) em.add_timer(@duration) connection.close em.stop_event_loop end end signal.trap("int") connection.close em.stop_event_loop end end end rescue exception => e puts "#{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end
6.times process = process.start sleep(10) end
behave differently?
if i'd "start" amqp outside of rmqprocess#start , re-use resulting connection.
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