javascript - Cant Get jQuery hide working -

i running search @ starts displays image , title etc when more info button clicked title , plot of selected movie shows

when button clicked want hide other results using jquery hide function none of attepmts have worked

i have inclued code , sample image u can see coming

enter image description here

code here

<html> <head> <title>sample seach</title> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {     var url = '',     mode = 'search/movie',     input,     moviename,     key = '?api_key=api key here';      $('#search').click(function() {         var input = $('#movie').val(),             moviename = encodeuri(input);         $.ajax({             url: url + mode + key + '&query='+moviename ,             datatype: 'jsonp',             success: function(data) {          var table = '<table>';         $.each( data.results, function( key, value ) {           table += '<tr><td class="results-img"><img src="' + value.poster_path +'" alt="" width="150" height="200"></td><td class="results-title">' + value.original_title + '</td><td class="results-date">' + value.release_date +            '</td><td class="results-search-btn"><button class="search-btn" id="moreinfo">few more info</button></td></tr>';         });         $('#searchresult').html(table);             }         });     }); });  </script> <script text="text/javascript"> // when more button click runs search using title of movie next   $('.search-btn').live('click', '.search-btn', function() {     getimdbinfo( $(this).closest('tr').find('.results-title').text()); });  //the function below takes entered title , searchs imdb match displays followed  function getimdbinfo(title) {     var url = "" + title + "&plot=full";     $.ajax({       url: url,       cache: false,       datatype: "jsonp",       success: function(data) {              var str = "";             str += "<h2>title :" +data.title+ "</h2>";             str += "<p>plot :" +data.plot+ "</p>";              $("#chosenresult").html(str);       },       error: function (request, status, error) { alert(status + ", " + error); }     }); } </script> </head> <body> <center> <h1>movie search</h1> <input id="movie" type="text" /><button id="search">search</button> </center> <div id="chosenresult"></div> <div id="searchresult"></div> </body> </html> 

the hide function have tried

//the button hides original search displaying info selected movie    $('.search-btn').live('click', '.search-btn', function() {     $("#searchresult").hide();   }); 

if that's code you're using have refer searchresult "#". , if you're using live event handler twice should trigger events in same handle:

$('.search-btn').on('click', function() { getimdbinfo( $(this).closest('tr').find('.results-title').text()); $("#searchresult").hide(); }); 

you can rid of class parameter, there no need it.

edit: , i'm agree using 'on' instead of live. browser handle not in way can expect.


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