procedure from another unit in delphi shows undeclared identifier -
i can't seem link procedure unit work in main unit's form. tried adding procedure declaration below interface, mentioned in question how run procedure unit? , didn't work. keeps showing [dcc error] main.pas(27): e2003 undeclared identifier: 'sayhi' here codes both units: main.pas:
unit main; interface uses, winapi.messages, system.sysutils, system.variants, system.classes,, vcl.controls, vcl.forms, vcl.dialogs, unit2; type tform1 = class(tform) procedure formcreate(sender: tobject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tform1.formcreate(sender: tobject); begin sayhi(); end; end.
and unit2.pas
unit unit2; interface uses dialogs; procedure sayhi(); implementation procedure sayhi(); begin showmessage('hi'); end; end.
here's dpr file project:
program gl; uses vcl.forms, main in 'main.pas' {form1}, unit2 in 'unit2.pas'; {$r *.res} begin application.initialize; application.mainformontaskbar := true; application.createform(tform1, form1);; end.
here main.dfm file:
object form1: tform1 left = 0 top = 0 caption = 'form1' clientheight = 444 clientwidth = 621 color = clbtnface font.charset = default_charset font.color = clwindowtext font.height = -11 = 'tahoma' = [] oldcreateorder = false oncreate = formcreate pixelsperinch = 96 textheight = 13 end
i have seen before, , it's related having different version "unit2" being found first.
you have more 1 unit2.dcu or pas on machine.
unit2 being found without "sayhi" being found first.
please check project , delphi global library paths.
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