ruby on rails - Live Twitter Stream -

i'm programming application in ruby on rails v(2.0.0/4.0.0) , trying integrate live twitter feed specific source (@u101) onto basic html page , don't understand how. after googling around few hours i've seen few different gems seem integrate twitter (tweetstream, twitter api, twitter), however, can't of these work. i've followed guides such , 1 in particular gives me error:

irb(main):002:0> tweet.get_latest_new_year_resolution_tweets nameerror: uninitialized constant twitter::search         c:/sites/easybakeoven/blog/app/models/tweet.rb:6:in `get_latest_new _year_resolution_tweets' 

which don't understand. if walk me through necessary steps accomplish goal or point me in right direction i'd thankful.

update: model: tweet.rb

  class tweet < activerecord::base     #a method grab latest tweets twitter   def self.get_latest_new_year_resolution_tweets      #create twitter search object     search =      #grab recent 100 tweets contain 'new year resolution' words, , loop each of them     search.containing("u101").result_type("recent").per_page(100).fetch.each |tweet_results|        #parsing string 'created_at' datetime object       twitter_created_at = datetime.parse(tweet_results.created_at)        #making sure not saving exact same tweet person again       unless tweet.exists?(['twitter_created_at = ? , from_user_id_str = ?', datetime.parse(tweet_results.created_at), tweet_results.from_user_id_str])          #finally creating tweet record         tweet.create!({             :from_user => tweet_results.from_user,             :from_user_id_str => tweet_results.from_user_id_str,             :profile_image_url => tweet_results.profile_image_url,             :text => tweet_results.text,             :twitter_created_at => twitter_created_at         })       end     end   end  end 


 class tweetscontroller < applicationcontroller    def index     #get tweets (records) model ordered 'twitter_created_at' descending      @tweets = tweet.order("twitter_created_at desc")      end  end 


 <h1>tweets#index</h1>  <div id="container">  <ul>   <% @tweets.each |tweet| %>      <li class="<%=cycle('odd', '')%>">          <%= link_to tweet.from_user, "{tweet.from_user}", :class => "username", :target => "_blank" %>           <div class="tweet_text_area">              <div class="tweet_text">                  <%= tweet.text %>              </div>              <div class="tweet_created_at">                  <%= time_ago_in_words tweet.twitter_created_at %> ago              </div>          </div>      </li>  <% end %>  </ul>   </div> 

also again i'm trying display tweets '#u101'

in particular tutorial used, go line 7 in app/models/tweet.rb , you'll see:

    search = 

replace with

    search = 

this recent change ruby gem. can see what's current in documentation!


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