qt - How does QTcpSocket write data to client? -

i wanna make simple qt app can perform task image below:

enter image description here

i have learnt fortune server examples , want app combination of fortune server , fortune client.


void dialog::on_btnlisten_clicked(bool checked) {     if(checked)     {         listener = new serversock(this);         if(!listener->listen(qhostaddress::localhost,ui->boxport->value()))         {             qmessagebox::critical(this,tr("error"),tr("cannot listen: %1").arg(listener->errorstring()));             ui->btnlisten->setchecked(false);             return;         }         else         {             qdebug() << "server listening port" << listener->serverport();             ui->btnlisten->settext(tr("listening"));             this->setwindowtitle(tr("listening , running"));         }     }     else     {         listener->close();         listener->deletelater();          ui->tmblisten->settext(tr("listen again"));         this->setwindowtitle(tr("taking rest"));     } } 


#include "serversock.h"  serversock::serversock(qobject *parent) :     qtcpserver(parent) { }  void serversock::incomingconnection(int descriptor) {     thread = new threading(descriptor,this);     connect(thread,signal(finished()),thread,slot(deletelater()));     thread->start(); } 


#include "threading.h"  threading::threading(int descriptor, qobject *parent) :     qthread(parent) {     this->descriptorsocket = descriptor; }  void threading::run() {     qdebug() << "thread started...";     socketthread = new qtcpsocket();     if(!socketthread->setsocketdescriptor(this->descriptorsocket))     {         emit error(socketthread->error());         return;     }      connect(socketthread,signal(readyread()),this,slot(readytoread()),qt::directconnection);     connect(socketthread,signal(disconnected()),this,slot(unconnected()),qt::directconnection);     qdebug() << descriptorsocket << "connected";     exec(); //loop }  void threading::readytoread() {     qbytearray data = socketthread->readall();      socketout = new qtcpsocket();     socketout->connecttohost("",8080);     if(socketout->waitforconnected(5000))     {          qbytearray query("get http:// mysite. com/page http/1.1\r\nhost: anothersite.com\r\r\r\n" + data); //example         socketout->write(query);         socketout->write("\r\r\r\n");         socketout->waitforbyteswritten(1000);         socketout->waitforreadyread(3000);          output = socketout->readall();         if(socketout->error() != socketout->unknownsocketerror)         {             qdebug() << socketout->errorstring();             socketout->disconnectfromhost();              this->quit();             socketthread->abort();         }         else         {         socketout->close();         }     }     else     {         qdebug() << "cannot connected";     }      if(!output.isnull())         socketthread->write(output);       qdebug() << descriptorsocket << " data in: " << data;  void threading::unconnected() {     qdebug() << "disconnected";     socketthread->abort();     exit(0);     deletelater(); } 

the problem don't know how return data remote host local client, image below:

enter image description here

it sends request, there no response. how accomplish this?


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