c - Program crashes when using scanf into third Array declared -

for reason, able use scanf char array, , first numeric one, however, program crashes when input data next array, in case, withdrawal[wt]. please take @ code. taking intro class c, not expert user.

#include <stdio.h>  int main(void) {     /* declare variables */     float withdrawal[50] = {0}, deposit[50] = {0};     char name[50];     int number_of_deposits, number_of_withdrawals, x = 1, y = 1, d, wt;     float balance;      /* welcome message */     printf ("thank using matrix banking system. take red pill.\n\n");      /* prompt name */     printf ("please enter name: ");     gets (name);     printf ("\nhello %s.\n\n", name);      /* prompt account balance, makes sure ammount 0 or more */         {         printf ("now enter current balance in dollars , cents: $");         scanf ("%f", &balance);         fflush(stdin);          if ( balance < 0 )             printf ("error: beginning balance must @ least zero, please re-enter!\n\n"); /* error message negative balance amount */      } while ( balance <= 0 );/* end loop */      /* enter number of withdrawals, , number of deposits. must 0 or more */          {         printf ("\nenter number of withdrawals: ");         scanf ("%i", &number_of_withdrawals);         fflush(stdin);          if ( number_of_withdrawals < 0 || number_of_withdrawals > 50 )         printf ("number of withdrawals must @ least zero, no more 50.\nplease re-enter!\n\n"); /* error message negative number of withdrawals */      } while ( number_of_withdrawals < 0 || number_of_withdrawals > 50 );/* end loop */          {         printf ("\nenter number of deposits: ");         scanf ("%i", &number_of_deposits);         fflush(stdin);          if ( number_of_deposits < 0 || number_of_deposits > 50 )         printf ("number of deposits must @ least zero, no more 50.\nplease re-enter!\n\n"); /* error message negative number of deposits */      } while ( number_of_deposits < 0 || number_of_deposits > 50 );/* end loop */      printf ("\n\n\n"); /* spacing */      /* assign value deposits. must positive number. */          {          printf ("enter amount of deposit #%i: ", x);         scanf ("%f", &deposit[d]);          if ( deposit[d] <= 0 )         printf ("error: deposit amount must more 0\n");         if ( deposit[d] <= 0 )         balance = balance - deposit[d];         else         x++;         balance = balance + deposit[d];      } while ( x <= number_of_deposits );      printf ("\n\n");          {          if ( balance == 0 )         {             printf ("you out of money in matrix, take blue pill.");             break;         }          else                 printf ("enter amount of withdrawals #%i: ", y);             scanf ("%f", &withdrawal[wt]);             balance = balance - withdrawal[wt];              if ( balance < 0 )             {                 printf ("***withdrawal amount exceeds current balance.***\n");                 y--;                 balance = balance + withdrawal[wt];             }             else if ( withdrawal[wt] <= 0 )                 {                 printf ("error: withdrawal amount must more 0\n");                 balance = balance + withdrawal[wt];                 }                 else                 y++;      } while ( y <= number_of_withdrawals );       getchar();/* pause output*/      return 0; } /*end main */ 

you have not initialized variable wt anywhere in program. hence program crashes here

scanf ("%f", &withdrawal[wt]);

initialize variable. not handling incrementing part of wt anywhere in code. may need alter that


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