c# - Update Listview with view model with button click -

i want able update listview when user clicks on listview item (row) , clicks button. here code:


<window x:class="cs3000config2.dialogs.clone" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:cs3000config2" title="clone scanner configuration" height="768" width="1024" fontsize="16" windowstyle="toolwindow" windowstartuplocation="centerscreen" resizemode="noresize" loaded="window_loaded"> <window.resources>     <local:scannerviewmodel x:key="viewmodel" /> </window.resources> <window.background>     <lineargradientbrush endpoint=".5,1" startpoint=".5,0">         <gradientstop color="#b8e1fc" offset="0" />         <gradientstop color="#a9d2f3" offset="0.10" />         <gradientstop color="#90bae4" offset="0.25" />         <gradientstop color="#90bcea" offset="0.37" />         <gradientstop color="#90bff0" offset=".50" />         <gradientstop color="#6ba8e5" offset=".51" />         <gradientstop color="#a2daf5" offset=".83" />         <gradientstop color="#bdf3fd" offset="1" />     </lineargradientbrush> </window.background>  <dockpanel>     <grid>         <dockpanel height="650" margin="50,40,50,0" width="800" verticalalignment="top" background="white">             <grid>                 <toolbar height="46" margin="0,6,-11,0" name="toolbar1" verticalalignment="top" toolbartray.islocked="true" borderbrush="black" borderthickness=".5" loaded="toolbar1_loaded">                     <button toolbar.overflowmode="asneeded" click="button_click" name="btnloadtoselected">                         <stackpanel  orientation="horizontal" verticalalignment="center" >                             <stackpanel.resources>                                 <style targettype="{x:type textblock}">                                     <setter property="margin" value="10,0,0,0"/>                                 </style>                             </stackpanel.resources>                             <image source="/cs3000config2;component/resources/dsave.png" />                             <textblock verticalalignment="center" fontsize="16" margin="5,0,0,0">load selected scanners</textblock>                         </stackpanel>                     </button>                     <separator />                     <button toolbar.overflowmode="never" click="button_click_2" name="btnloadtoall">                         <stackpanel  orientation="horizontal" verticalalignment="center" >                             <stackpanel.resources>                                 <style targettype="{x:type textblock}">                                     <setter property="margin" value="10,0,0,0"/>                                 </style>                             </stackpanel.resources>                             <image source="/cs3000config2;component/resources/document-save-all2.png" />                             <textblock verticalalignment="center" fontsize="16" margin="5,0,0,0"> load scanners</textblock>                         </stackpanel>                     </button>                     <separator />                     <button toolbar.overflowmode="never" click="button_click_1">                         <stackpanel  orientation="horizontal" verticalalignment="center" >                             <stackpanel.resources>                                 <style targettype="{x:type textblock}">                                     <setter property="margin" value="10,0,0,0"/>                                 </style>                             </stackpanel.resources>                             <image source="/cs3000config2;component/resources/refresh.gif" />                             <textblock verticalalignment="center" fontsize="16" margin="5,0,0,0"> refresh scanner list</textblock>                         </stackpanel>                     </button>                     <separator />                 </toolbar>                 <scrollviewer margin="6.5,58,6,6" horizontalscrollbarvisibility="auto" verticalscrollbarvisibility="auto" >                     <grid datacontext="{binding source={staticresource viewmodel}}" name="grid1">                           <listview  margin="0,5" name="listview1" selectionmode="multiple" itemssource="{binding scanners}">                             <listview.view>                                 <gridview>                                     <gridviewcolumn header="" width="100">                                         <gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>                                             <datatemplate>                                                 <image height="50" source="/cs3000config2;component/resources/cs3000-small.png" />                                             </datatemplate>                                         </gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>                                     </gridviewcolumn>                                     <gridviewcolumn header="drive" width="50" displaymemberbinding="{binding drive}" />                                     <gridviewcolumn header="model" width="100" displaymemberbinding="{binding model}" />                                     <gridviewcolumn header="serial" width="200" displaymemberbinding="{binding serial}" />                                     <gridviewcolumn header="" width="325" >                                         <gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>                                             <datatemplate>                                                 <progressbar name="prog1" visibility="{binding isvisible, mode=twoway, updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}" maximum="{binding maxprogress, mode=twoway, updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}" value="{binding progress, mode=twoway, updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}" height="20" width="200" />                                             </datatemplate>                                         </gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>                                     </gridviewcolumn>                                 </gridview>                             </listview.view>                         </listview>                      </grid>                 </scrollviewer>             </grid>         </dockpanel>      </grid> </dockpanel> 

view model (scannerviewmodel.cs)

public class scannerviewmodel : inotifypropertychanged {      private string[] scanners;      observablecollection<scanner> items = new observablecollection<scanner>();     private arraylist drivelist = new arraylist();     public scannerviewmodel()     {         getdrives();         scanners = (string[])drivelist.toarray(typeof(string));          if (scanners.length <= 0)         {             return;         }         else         {             foreach (string scnr in scanners)             {                 config c = new config();                 c.loadsysinfo(scnr + "\\parameters\\sysinfo.txt");                  progressbar progbar = new progressbar();                 progbar.height = 20;                 progbar.width = 150;                  items.add(new scanner() { drive = scnr, model = c.model, serial = c.serial, maxprogress = 10000, progress = 0, isvisible= visibility.hidden });             }         }     }     private void getdrives()     {         drivelist.clear();         foreach (driveinfo info in driveinfo.getdrives())         {             if (info.drivetype == drivetype.removable)             {                  if (directory.exists(info.rootdirectory.tostring() + "parameters"))                 {                      drivelist.add(info.rootdirectory.tostring());                 }             }         }     }      public observablecollection<scanner> scanners     {                  {             return items;         }         set         {             items = value;             raisepropertychanged("scanners");         }     }       public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;      private void raisepropertychanged(string propertyname)     {         propertychangedeventhandler handler = propertychanged;         if (handler != null)         {             handler(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname));         }     }   } } 

model class (scanner.cs)

public class scanner {     public string model { get; set; }     public string serial { get; set; }     public visibility isvisible { get; set; }     public string drive { get; set; }     public int32 progress { get; set; }     public int32 maxprogress { get; set; }  } } 

can tell me how update 1 of listview rows , make progress bar visible if user clicks on row in list view , clicks load scanner button? sample button click code appreciated.

try this

1- in vm create list hold selected items eg observablecollection selectedscanners {get;set;} 2- in xaml, bind selecteditem of listview above 3- create icommand buttons

public icommand updatescannerscommand {         {        return new relaycommand(()=> { ... update code here } } } 

4- remove visibility property , use boolean instead, (and use convertor in xaml determine visibility)



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