rubygems - Compass unable to find files in project -

i editing wordpress template makes use of sass. when edit .scss file , save it, codekit throws out error.

compass unable compile 1 or more files in project:   error app.scss (line 9 of _settings.scss: file import not found or unreadable: foundation/functions. load paths:   /library/webserver/documents/dev/ecpr_sgoc/scss   /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-0.12.2/frameworks/blueprint/stylesheets   /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-0.12.2/frameworks/compass/stylesheets   /applications/   /applications/   /applications/   compass::spriteimporter) identical app.css    (this action triggered change _colors.scss) 

edit: upgraded codekit 2 , new output:

compass failed run because mac has older version of sass and/or compass installed conflicts newer versions in codekit. must remove versions of sass below 3.3.rc6 , versions of compass below 1.0.alpha18. @ command line running 'sudo gem uninstall sass' , 'sudo gem uninstall compass'. 

but have sass 3.3.4 , compass 0.12.5 (which, afaik, more recent mentioned 1.0.alpha18) installed...

you need remove old version of sass , compass :

sudo gem uninstall sass, sudo gem uninstall compass


$ sudo gem uninstall sass  select gem uninstall:  1. sass-3.2.19  2. sass-3.3.5  3. versions 

and keep newest version of sass , compass , codekit work charm :)

i solved problem


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