html - jQuery Star Rating Plugin AND Knockoutjs -

i'm having problem using i'm sure i'm doing wrong. want use star rating system( , knockoutjs. right i'm displaying bunch of business info using foreach binding, want add star rating each business. without star rating stuff business display fine, when add star rating stuff can 1 business display , none of others show up. here have, know little crapastic right i'm new stuff.

 <div style="float: right; width: 360px; height: 700px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;" data-bind="foreach: businesses">         <a href="#" data-bind="attr:{href: '/home/businessdetail?name='+ name}" style="text-decoration: none;">             <div>                 <h5 data-bind="text: name" style="font-size: 14px;"></h5>                 <div data-bind="if: stars===5">                     <div id="star1" class="star-rating rater-5 star star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on"></div>                     <div id="star2" class="star-rating rater-5 star star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on"></div>                     <div id="star3" class="star-rating rater-5 star star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on"></div>                     <div id="star4" class="star-rating rater-5 star star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on"></div>                     <div id="star5" class="star-rating rater-5 star star-rating-applied star-rating-readonly star-rating-on"></div>                 </div>                 <br /><h6 data-bind="text: fulladdress"></h6>                 <br />                 <hr style="margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px;" />             </div>         </a>     </div>   var viewmodel = {         businesses: ko.observable(),         businesscategories: ko.observable(),         selectedcategoy: ko.observable(),         latitudetext: ko.observable(33.4633733188117),         longitudetext: ko.observable(-111.926908493042),         milestext: ko.observable(10)     }; 

so need add display stars if stars == 4...stars == 3 etc. happening here? why 1 business display?


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