java - OWL API: How to assign domain to range on OWLObjectProperty -

in fact want create ontology based in list of concepts(string) , relationships between concepts(map). have 2 types of relation "kind of" , “sub topic of". tried create ontology trough owl api. create relation between 2 owl classes used owlobjectpreportydomain , owlobjectproprertyrange , specified relation through owlobjectproperty. problem when create relation has many domains , many ranges, didn't find manner assign each domain each range. want find solution that. 1 give me idea ?

for example have map : map<string, string> relation = new hashmap<string, string>; contains 2 concepts , relation between each other. linkedlist<map<string, string>> listrelation = new likedlist<map<string,string>>; list contains list of relation between concepts. relation("concept1")="authetication"; realtion("relation")="kind of"; relation("concept2")="validation"; listrelation.add(relation); relation = new hashmap<string, string>; relation("concept1")="encryption"; realtion("relation")="kind of"; relation("concept2")="crypthography"; listrelation.add(relation); , create other map contains concept , instance like: map<string,string> inst; inst("concept")="authentication"; inst("instance")="topnet"; how create in owl. concepts owlclass or owlnamedindividual. if owlnamedindividual instances what. if concepts owlclass how declare relation between them ?

from example impression authentication , validation not classes individuals, , have assertions , not domain , range declarations.

however, declaring multiple domains equivalent declaring intersection of classes listed , assigning domain; same range. there isn't preferred domain particular range.

what can is, e.g., writing class c subclass of authentication , subclass of all kind_of validation, which, instance, assert domain , range equivalent kind_of


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