Command Prompt window appears with gui window c++ -

whenever try make c++ gui program/window command prompt window appears window this:

enter image description here

but did this::

    #include <iostream>     #include "define.h"      lresult callback winproc(hwnd hwnd,uint message,wparam wparam,lparam lparam);      int winapi winmain(hinstance hinst, hinstance hprevinst, lpstr lpcmdline, int nshowcmd){      window win;     msg msg;      win.cbclsextra = null;                             //additional parameters     win.cbwndextra = null;                            //additional parameters     win.hbrbackground = (hbrush)color_window ;                        //sets background color window     win.hcursor = loadcursor(null, idc_arrow);      //the cursor appear in window     win.hicon = null;                              //icon window     win.hinstance = hinst;                        //handle application instance     win.lpszclassname = "window class";          //the unique name of window class     win.lpszmenuname = null;                    //used menus = null;                          //the , feel of window     win.lpfnwndproc=(wndproc)winproc;         //the callback procedure (more on later)      registerclass(&win);     hwnd hwnd = createwindow("window class", "title", ws_overlappedwindow, 200, 200, 640, 480, null, null, hinst, null);     showwindow(hwnd, sw_shownormal);      while(getmessage(&msg, null, 0, 0)){          translatemessage(&msg);         dispatchmessage(&msg);      }      return 0;      }      lresult callback winproc(hwnd hwnd,uint message,wparam wparam,lparam lparam){      switch (message){      case wm_create:{          hwnd button = createwindow("button", "ok", ws_visible | ws_child | ws_border, 20, 20, 50, 30, hwnd, null, null, &lparam);         break;      }      case wm_destroy:{          postquitmessage(0);         return 0;         break;      }      default:{          return defwindowproc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam);      }     }       } 

i followed code on internet , don't think did wrong want remove annoying cmd window way...

tysm repliers appreciated...........


and btw define.h header file made , define wndclass window


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