javascript - When processing Java mode convert to Java script mode, my 3D object doesn't show -
i have problem when upload sketch website.
i write processing program 3d guiding library.this code.
//camera variables float x,y,z; float tx,ty,tz; float rotx,roty; float mx, my; float framecounter; float xcomp, zcomp; float angle; //movement variables int movex; int movez; float vy; boolean canjump; boolean moveup,movedown,moveleft,moveright; //check input int m =0; //constants int ground = 0; int totalboxes = 100; int standheight = 100; int dragmotionconstant = 10; int pushmotionconstant = 100; int movementspeed = 50; //bigger number = slower float sensitivity = 15; //bigger number = slower int stillbox = 100; //center of pov, mouse must stillbox away center move float cambuffer = 10; int cameradistance = 1000; //distance camera camera target in lookmode... 8? //options int lookmode = 8; int spotlightmode = 4; int cameramode = 1; int movemode = 2; void setup(){ size(800,600,p3d); nostroke(); //dwa(#edede8); //camera initialization //default x = -28; y = height/2; y-= standheight; z = -4830; tx = width/2; ty = height/2; tz = 0; rotx = 0; roty = 0; xcomp = tx - x; zcomp = tz - z; angle = 0; //movement initialization movex = 0; movex = 0; moveup = false; movedown = false; moveleft = false; moveright = false; canjump = true; vy = 0; } void draw(){ if(z<-5000) z=-5000; if(z>9700) z=9700; //println(x,y,z ,mousex , mousey ,tx ,ty,tz); //update frame background(0); lights(); if(m==1) { //rotatey(0.5); fill(#eaff0f); textsize(50); text("menu", x-100, y, z+300); // rotatey(0.5); //the point pushmatrix(); fill(#fc1919); translate(-28,300,4000); box(10, 20000, -10); popmatrix(); //the point } if(spotlightmode == 0) lights(); else if(spotlightmode == 1) spotlight(255,255,255,x,y-standheight,z,tx,ty,tz,pi,1); else if(spotlightmode == 2) spotlight(255,255,255,x,y-standheight-200,z,x+100,y+100,z,framecounter/10,1); else if(spotlightmode == 3) spotlight(255,255,255,width/2,height/2-1000,0,width/2,height/2,0,pi,1); else if(spotlightmode == 4) { pointlight(255,255,255,x,y,z); } /* for(int i=1;i<=7;i++) { spotlight(255, 255, 255, -28, 2000, -5500+i*1875, 1, 1, 1, 360, 1); }*/ //-5500 9500s //back wall pushmatrix(); fill(255); translate(-28,300,-5500); box(15000, 5000, -100); popmatrix(); //back wall //fount wall pushmatrix(); fill(255); translate(-28,300,10500); box(15000, 5000, -100); popmatrix(); //fount wall //l1 bookshielf(800,-4000,7,1); bookshielf(1000,-4000,7,1); bookshielf(1200,-4000,7,1); bookshielf(1400,-4000,7,1); cameraupdate(); locationupdate(); jumpmanager(10); //camera mode 1 - original if(cameramode == 1) camera(x,y,z,tx,ty,tz,0,1,0); //camera mode 2 - matrix'd /* if(cameramode == 2){ begincamera(); camera(); translate(x,y,z); translate(0,2*-standheight,0); rotatex(roty/100.0); //this seems work o.o rotatey(-rotx/100.0); //rotatex(rotx/100.0); endcamera(); }*/ //framecounter++; } void cylinder(float w, float h, int sides) { float angle; float[] x = new float[sides+1]; float[] z = new float[sides+1]; translate(0,100,-500); //get x , z position on circle sides for(int i=0; < x.length; i++){ angle = two_pi / (sides) * i; x[i] = sin(angle) * w; z[i] = cos(angle) * w; } //draw top of cylinder beginshape(triangle_fan); vertex(0, -h/2, 0); for(int i=0; < x.length; i++){ vertex(x[i], -h/2, z[i]); } endshape(); //draw center of cylinder beginshape(quad_strip); for(int i=0; < x.length; i++){ vertex(x[i], -h/2, z[i]); vertex(x[i], h/2, z[i]); } endshape(); //draw bottom of cylinder beginshape(triangle_fan); vertex(0, h/2, 0); for(int i=0; < x.length; i++){ vertex(x[i], h/2, z[i]); } endshape(); } public void bookshielf(int thex ,int thez ,int theheight ,int therotate) { fill(#938056); if(theheight==7) { if(therotate==1) { //left pushmatrix(); translate(thex,0,thez); box(20, 500, -100); popmatrix(); //right pushmatrix(); translate(thex-200,0,thez); box(20, 500, -100); popmatrix(); //back pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,0,thez+40); box(220, 500, -30); popmatrix(); //middle side for(int i=1;i<7;i++) { pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,-250+71.5*i,thez-10); box(220, 5, -100); popmatrix(); } //top pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,250,thez); box(220, 10, -100); popmatrix(); //block pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,-250,thez); box(220, 10, -100); popmatrix(); } if(therotate==2) { //left pushmatrix(); translate(thex,0,thez); box(20, 500, -100); popmatrix(); //right pushmatrix(); translate(thex-200,0,thez); box(20, 500, -100); popmatrix(); //back pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,0,thez-40); box(220, 500, -30); popmatrix(); //middle side for(int i=1;i<7;i++) { pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,-250+71.5*i,thez+10); box(220, 5, -100); popmatrix(); } //top pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,250,thez); box(220, 10, -100); popmatrix(); //block pushmatrix(); translate(thex-100,-250,thez); box(220, 10, -100); popmatrix(); } } } public void cameraupdate(){ ty=constrain(dragmotionconstant, -100000, 500000); //drag-motion if (lookmode == 1){ if(pmousex > mousex) tx += dragmotionconstant; else if (pmousex < mousex) tx -= dragmotionconstant; if(pmousey > mousey) ty -= dragmotionconstant/1.5; else if (pmousey < mousey) ty += dragmotionconstant/1.5; } //push-motion else if (lookmode == 2){ if (mousex > (width/2+pushmotionconstant)) tx += dragmotionconstant; else if (mousex < (width/2-pushmotionconstant)) tx -= dragmotionconstant; if (mousey > (height/2+pushmotionconstant)) ty += dragmotionconstant; else if (mousey < (height/2-pushmotionconstant)) ty -= dragmotionconstant; } //push-motion v2 (hopefully improved!) else if (lookmode == 3){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; if (abs(diffx) > pushmotionconstant) tx += diffx/25; if (abs(diffy) > pushmotionconstant) ty += diffy/25; } //push motion v3 (for camera-mode 2) else if (lookmode == 4){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; //println(diffx); if (abs(diffx) > pushmotionconstant) rotx += diffx/100; if (abs(diffy) > pushmotionconstant) roty += diffy/100;//diffy/100; } //push motion v4.1 (because crashed , lost v4.0 t.t //designed work in cohesion movement mode 2 else if (lookmode == 5){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; if(abs(diffx) > stillbox){ xcomp = tx - x; zcomp = tz - z; angle = degrees(atan(xcomp/zcomp)); //---------debug stuff goes here---------- //println("tx: " + tx); //println("tz: " + tz); // println("xc: " + xcomp); // println("zc: " + zcomp); // println("angle: " +angle); //--------------------------------------*/ if (angle < 45 && angle > -45 && zcomp < 0) tx += diffx/sensitivity; else if (angle < 45 && angle > -45 && zcomp > 0) tx -= diffx/sensitivity; //left sector else if (angle > 45 && angle < 90 && xcomp < 0 && zcomp < 0) tz -= diffx/sensitivity; else if (angle >-90 && angle <-45 && xcomp < 0 && zcomp > 0) tz -= diffx/sensitivity; //right sector else if (angle <-45 && angle >-90) tz += diffx/sensitivity; else if (angle < 90 && angle > 45 && xcomp > 0 && zcomp > 0) tz += diffx/sensitivity; } if (abs(diffy) > stillbox) ty += diffy/(sensitivity/1.5); } //lookmode 4.2 //using more proper unit circle. else if (lookmode == 6){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; if(abs(diffx) > stillbox){ xcomp = tx - x; zcomp = tz - z; angle = correctangle(xcomp,zcomp); //---------debug stuff goes here---------- // println("tx: " + tx); // println("tz: " + tz); // println("xc: " + xcomp); /// println("zc: " + zcomp); /// println("angle: " +angle); //--------------------------------------*/ //looking 'forwards' if ((angle >= 0 && angle < 45) || (angle > 315 && angle < 360)) tx += diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'left' else if (angle > 45 && angle < 135) tz += diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'back' else if (angle > 135 && angle < 225) tx -= diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'right' else if (angle > 225 && angle < 315) tz -= diffx/sensitivity; } if (abs(diffy) > stillbox) ty += diffy/(sensitivity/1.5); } //lookmode 7, trying rid of slowdown in corners sorta-buffer thing else if (lookmode == 7){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; if(abs(diffx) > stillbox){ xcomp = tx - x; zcomp = tz - z; angle = correctangle(xcomp,zcomp); //---------debug stuff goes here---------- // println("tx: " + tx); // println("tz: " + tz); // println("xc: " + xcomp); // println("zc: " + zcomp); // println("angle: " +angle); //--------------------------------------*/ //looking 'forwards' if ((angle >= 0-cambuffer && angle < 45+cambuffer) || (angle > 315-cambuffer && angle < 360+cambuffer)) tx += diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'left' else if (angle > 45-cambuffer && angle < 135+cambuffer) tz += diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'back' else if (angle > 135-cambuffer && angle < 225+cambuffer) tx -= diffx/sensitivity; //looking 'right' else if (angle > 225-cambuffer && angle < 315+cambuffer) tz -= diffx/sensitivity; } if (abs(diffy) > stillbox) ty += diffy/(sensitivity/1.5); } else if (lookmode == 8){ int diffx = mousex - width/2; int diffy = mousey - width/2; if(abs(diffx) > stillbox){ xcomp = tx - x; zcomp = tz - z; angle = correctangle(xcomp,zcomp); angle+= diffx/(sensitivity*10); if(angle < 0) angle += 360; else if (angle >= 360) angle -= 360; float newxcomp = cameradistance * sin(radians(angle)); float newzcomp = cameradistance * cos(radians(angle)); tx = newxcomp + x; tz = -newzcomp + z; //---------debug stuff goes here---------- /*println("tx: " + tx); println("tz: " + tz); println("xc: " + xcomp); println("newxc: " + newxcomp); println("zc: " + zcomp); println("newzc: " + newzcomp); println("angle: " +angle);*/ //--------------------------------------*/ } if (abs(diffy) > stillbox) ty += diffy/(sensitivity/1.5); } } public void locationupdate(){ /*old method================================== if(keypressed){ if (keycode == || key == 'w'){ z-=10; tz-=10; } else if (keycode == down || key == 's'){ tz+=10; z+=10; } else if (keycode == left || key == 'a' ){ tx-=10; x-=10; } else if (keycode == right || key == 'd'){ tx+=10; x+=10; } } ============================================*/ //apply movement if(movemode == 1){ z += movez; tz += movez; x += movex; tx += movex; } else if(movemode == 2){ if(moveup){ z += zcomp/movementspeed; tz+= zcomp/movementspeed; x += xcomp/movementspeed; tx+= xcomp/movementspeed; } else if(movedown){ z -= zcomp/movementspeed; tz-= zcomp/movementspeed; x -= xcomp/movementspeed; tx-= xcomp/movementspeed; } if (moveright){ z += xcomp/movementspeed; tz+= xcomp/movementspeed; x -= zcomp/movementspeed; tx-= zcomp/movementspeed; } if (moveleft){ z -= xcomp/movementspeed; tz-= xcomp/movementspeed; x += zcomp/movementspeed; tx+= zcomp/movementspeed; } } //new method uses keypressed() , keyreleased() // scroll down! } public void jumpmanager(int magnitude){ /* if(keypressed && key == ' ' && canjump){ vy -= magnitude; if(vy < -20) canjump = false; } else*/ if (y < ground+standheight) vy ++; else if (y >= ground+standheight){ vy = 0; y = ground + standheight; } if((!canjump) && (!keypressed)){ //println("jump reset!"); canjump = true; } y += vy; } public void keypressed(){ if(keycode == || key == 'w'){ movez = -10; moveup = true; } else if(keycode == down || key == 's'){ movez = 10; movedown = true; } else if(keycode == left || key == 'a'){ movex = -10; moveleft = true; } else if(keycode == right || key == 'd'){ movex = 10; moveright = true; } if(key == 'm' && m==1){ m=0; } else if(key == 'm' && m==0){ if(key == '1') { } rotatey(180); fill(#eaff0f); textsize(50); text("menu", x-100, y, z+300); m=1; } } public void keyreleased(){ if(keycode == || key == 'w'){ moveup = false; movez = 0; } else if(keycode == down || key == 's'){ movedown = false; movez = 0; } else if(keycode == left || key == 'a'){ moveleft = false; movex = 0; } else if(keycode == right || key == 'd'){ moveright = false; movex = 0; } } void mousepressed() { } public float correctangle(float xc, float zc){ float newangle = -degrees(atan(xc/zc)); if (xcomp > 0 && zcomp > 0) newangle = (90 + newangle)+90; else if (xcomp < 0 && zcomp > 0) newangle = newangle + 180; else if (xcomp < 0 && zcomp < 0) newangle = (90+ newangle) + 270; return newangle; }
people can use first person view walk fine in java mode,but when put in java script mode,the view has , part of code has problems can not run on website? thank much.
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