django-filer - upload button not working on Firefox but fine on Chrome and Opera -

i running django 1.6, django-storages , s3. of these seem working fine. when upload image goes s3 expected. trying use django-filer, can't upload images.

when click upload, nothing happens @ in firefox, although in chrome , opera file upload dialog opens , able upload image. tried safe-mode well.

here html , js button:

<ul class="object-tools">     <li>         <a id="id_upload_button" class="addlink" title="upload files" href="#">upload</a>     </li>     <script type="text/javascript">     //<![cdata[     $(function() {         var uploader = new qq.fileuploaderbasic({             action: '/admin/filer/clipboard/operations/upload/',             button: document.getelementbyid('id_upload_button'),             onsubmit: function(id, filename) {                 $("#fileinputqueue .noitemsrow").hide();                 $('#fileinputqueue').append('<tr id="fileupload-' + id + '" class="clipboarditem fileuploadqueueitem"><td class="thumbnail"><div class="loadingthumb" /></td><td class="label"><div><span class="filename">' + filename + ' (<span class="size">?</span>)</span> [<span class="percentage">&nbsp;</span>]</div><div class="fileuploadprogress" style="width: 100%;"><div id="fileupload-' + id + '-progressbar" class="fileuploadprogressbar" style="width: 1px; height: 3px;"></div></div></td></tr>');             },             onprogress: function(id, filename, loaded, total) {                 var percent = math.round(loaded / total * 100);                 $('#fileupload-' + id + ' .size').html(uploader._formatsize(total));                 $('#fileupload-' + id + ' .percentage').html('' + percent + "%");                 $('#fileupload-' + id + '-progressbar').css('width', percent + "%");             },             oncomplete: function(id, filename, responsejson) {                 var file = responsejson;                 if (file.error) {                     var html = '\ <td class="thumbnail"><img style="width: 32px;height: 32px;" src="" alt="file missing" /></td>\ <td class="label">' + file.error + '</td>\ <td class="buttons"></td>';                 } else {                     var html = '\ <td class="thumbnail"><img style="width: 32px;height: 32px;" src="' + file.thumbnail + '" alt="' + file.alt_text + '" /></td>\ <td class="label">' + file.label + '</td>\ <td class="buttons"></td>';                 }                 $('#fileupload-' + id).html(html);             },             oncancel: function(id, filename) {                 $('#fileupload-' + id).hide();             }         });     });     //]]>     </script> 

i deleted in s3 buck static folder , ran collectstatic once again. there unknown conflict guess.


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