hadoop - Pig HBaseStorage - How to Generate Dynamic Column Names and a Dynamic Number of Column Qualifiers from a DataBag? -

a has 1:m relationship b.

a = load ... (     a_id:char     ,... ); b = load ... (     a_id:chararray     ,b_id:chararray     ,... ); joined = join a_id, b a_id; grouped = group joined a::a_id; 

this create databag following schema:

{group: chararray, joined: {(a:a_id, ..., b::a_id, b::b_id, ...)}} 

for example:

(1, {(1, ..., 1, 1, ...)}) (2, {(2, ..., 2, 2, ...), (2, ..., 2,3, ...), (2, ...,2,4, ...)}) (3, {(3, ..., 3, 5, ...)}) 

for these 3 rows, how corresponding hbase results like:

rowkey = 1, a:a_id=1, ... b:b1|a_id=1, b:b1|b_id:=1 rowkey = 2, a:a_id=2, ... b:b2|a_id=2, b:b2|b_id=2, ..., b:b3|a_id=2, b:b3|b_id=3, ..., b:b4|a_id=2, b:b4|b_id=4, ... rowkey = 3, a:a_id=3, ..., b:b5|a_id=3, b:b5|b_id = 5 

how can import databag hbase using above logic?

in order need generate dynamic column qualifier names, number of dependent on number of subtuples in databag.


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