java - Craftbukkit Player Count Message Plugin Coding Error -

i making craftbukkit plugin has message in player count list, hivemc or omega realm. coding in ecplise , using protocollib v3.2.0 , craftbukkit 1.7.2 r0.3. new java , don't understand much. far... here code , error

    public void onenable() {     saveconfig();     if(!new file(getdatafolder(),"reset.file").exists()){         try {             getconfig().set("message",                     arrays.aslist("first line","second line"));             new file(getdatafolder(),"reset.file").createnewfile();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }      }    } 

error: method aslist(t[]) in type arrays not applicable arguments (string, string)

try using this:

arrays.aslist(new string[]{"first line", "second line"})); 


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