javascript - d3 how to display text on mouseover in fixed div - not tooltip -

i using d3.js render heatmap of census block population on top of leaflet map. display information census block in fixed div right of map when mouse hovers on block. no matter do, information appears below map instead of right of map. new d3, , trying modify code relating number of tooltip examples have found.

all of code below (sorry); however, relevant potions, think, css , .on("mouseover" . . .) parts in reset() function. suggestions appreciated.

<html>   <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <style> svg {   position: relative; }  div.tooltip {      /*position: absolute; (to make tooltip follow mouse in map, uncomment line)*/    text-align: center;              width: 150px;                     height: 25px;                    padding: 2px;                font-size: 10px;        background: #ffffe0;   border: 1px;         border-radius: 8px;              pointer-events: none;          }  {   padding: 6px 8px;   font: 14px/16px arial, helvetica, sans-serif;   background: white;   background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);   box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);   border-radius: 5px; } </style>  <h1>this file presents map of midtown area in tallahassee, florida.</h1>  <body>     <div id="map" style="width: 900px; height: 600px"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="./d3.v3.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <!--<script src=""></script>--> <script type="text/javascript" src="./leaflet.js"></script> <script> var map; var ajaxrequest; var plotlist; var plotlayers=[];  var div ="body").append("div")      //.attr("class", "tooltip")   .attr("class", "info")   .style("opacity", 0);  function initmap() {     // set map     map = new'map');      // create tile layer correct attribution  15/30.4606/-84.2973     //var osmurl=''; //var osmurl=''; var osmurl='http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; var osmattrib='map data © <a href="">openstreetmap</a> contributors'; var osm = new l.tilelayer(osmurl, {minzoom: 8, maxzoom: 18, attribution: osmattrib});         // start map in tallahassee florida map.setview(new l.latlng(30.4606,-84.2780),15); //map.setview(new l.latlng(51.3, 0.7),9); map.addlayer(osm);  }  initmap();   var svg ="svg"), g = svg.append("g").attr("class", "leaflet-zoom-hide");   d3.json("./flare5.json", function(json) {      var color = d3.scale.quantile()         .domain([0,11,51,101,251,501,901,1201,1500])         //.range(["#fff7ec","#fee8c8","#fdd49e","#fdbb84","#fc8d59","#ef6548","#d7301f","#b30000","#7f0000"]);  //red scale         //.range(["#f7fcfd","#e5f5f9","#ccece6","#99d8c9","#66c2a4","#41ae76","#238b45","#006d2c","#00441b"]);  //green scale         .range(["#f7fbff","#deebf7","#c6dbef","#9ecae1","#6baed6","#4292c6","#2171b5","#08519c","#08306b"]);  //blue scale      //var group = canvas.selectall("g")     //  .data(json.features)     //  .enter()     //  .append("g")      var projection = d3.geo.mercator()         .center([-84.49,30.44])         .translate([1000/2,800/2])         .scale([75000]);        var transform = d3.geo.transform({point: projectpoint}),         path = d3.geo.path().projection(transform);       var feature = g.selectall("path")         .data(json.features)         .enter().append("path");       map.on("viewreset", reset);     reset();        // reposition svg cover features.     function reset() {         var bounds = path.bounds(json),             topleft = bounds[0],             bottomright = bounds[1];          svg .attr("width", bottomright[0] - topleft[0])             .attr("height", bottomright[1] - topleft[1])             .style("left", topleft[0] + "px")             .style("top", topleft[1] + "px");          g.attr("transform", "translate(" + -topleft[0] + "," + -topleft[1] + ")");          //feature.attr("d", path)         var areas = feature.attr("d", path)         .attr("class","area")         //.attr("fill","steelblue");         .attr("fill", function(d){             var value =;             return color(value);             })         .attr("fill-opacity", .5)          //adding mouseevents         .on("mouseover", function(d) {   "opacity", .5);             div.transition().duration(300)             .style("opacity", 1)             div.text( + " : pop.:" + +"; med. age:" +;             //.style("left", (d3.event.pagex) + "px")             //.style("top", (d3.event.pagey -30) + "px");         })         .on("mouseout", function() {                .transition().duration(300)             .style("opacity", 0.8);             div.transition().duration(300)             .style("opacity", 0);         })         }           // use leaflet implement d3 geometric transformation.     function projectpoint(x, y) {         var point = map.latlngtolayerpoint(new l.latlng(y, x));, point.y);     } });     </script> </body> </html> 


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