php - Both move_uploaded_file and copy functions won't move my files to new destination , any idea why? -
i'm trying move pictures new folder called new_images, move_uploaded_file
isn't working. tried copy($entry, $dir2);
isn't working either. it's on live site. suggestions?
$dir = $_server['document_root'].'/images/classifieds/'.$row['user_id'].'/ads/'.$row['listbingo_ad_id'].''; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { //echo "directory handle: $handle\n"; //echo "entries:\n"; /* correct way loop on directory. */ while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if($entry !="." && $entry !=".."){ $dir2 = $_server['document_root'].'/images/new_images/'.$entry; move_uploaded_file($entry, $dir2); echo "insert tbl_classified_image (clsd_id,mem_id,cls_img_file,img_status) values(".$row['listbingo_ad_id'].",6,'".$entry."','y');\n"; } } }
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