c# - jQuery DataTable and Server Side Data issue with webservice -

i trying create datatable not in success. kindly can me.

this stored procedure:

create procedure [dbo].[pr_searchmember]        @filterterm nvarchar(250) = null --parameter search columns       , @sortindex int = 1 -- 1 based index indicate column order       , @sortdirection char(4) = 'asc' --the direction sort in, either asc or desc       , @startrownum int = 1 --the first row return       , @endrownum int = 10 --the last row return       , @totalrowscount int output       , @filteredrowscount int output     begin    --wrap filter term % search values contain @filterterm    set @filterterm = '%' + @filterterm + '%'    declare @person table   (           civilid     nvarchar(12),         firstname nvarchar(50)   , lastname  nvarchar(50)   , mobile        nvarchar(20)     , parentid  nvarchar(12) , rownum int   )   insert @person(civilid                      , firstname            , lastname            , mobile                      , parentid          , rownum)   select civilid          , firstname    , lastname      , mobile          , parentid    , row_number() on (      order      /*varchar, nvarchar, char order by*/      case @sortdirection       when 'asc'        case @sortindex         when 1 civilid         when 2 firstname         when 3 lastname                 when 4 mobile                 when 5 parentid        end             end asc,      case @sortdirection       when 'desc'         case @sortindex         when 1 civilid         when 2 firstname         when 3 lastname                 when 4 mobile                 when 5 parentid        end      end desc      ) rownum     dbo.hierarchy     @filterterm null        or civilid @filterterm             or firstname @filterterm       or lastname @filterterm       or mobile @filterterm             or parentid @filterterm      select civilid          , firstname      , lastname      , mobile          , parentid          , rownum    @person       rownum between @startrownum , @endrownum      select @totalrowscount = count(*)       dbo.hierarchy      select @filteredrowscount = count(*)       @person    end 

this web service

[webmethod] [scriptmethod(usehttpget = true)] public static string getdata() {   string connstring = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["connectionstring"].tostring();   list<paluwagan> lstpaluwagans = new list<paluwagan>();   int totalrowscount = 0, filteredrowscount = 0;   string data = "", ssearch = httpcontext.current.request.params["ssearch"], ssortdir_0 = httpcontext.current.request.params["ssortdir_0"];   int? isortcol_0 = toint(httpcontext.current.request.params["isortcol_0"]);   int? idisplaystart = toint(httpcontext.current.request.params["idisplaystart"]);   int? idisplaylength = toint(httpcontext.current.request.params["idisplaylength"]);    int? secho = toint(httpcontext.current.request.params["secho"]); ;    using (sqlconnection cn = new sqlconnection(connstring))   {     using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("pr_searchmember", cn))     {       try       {         cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@filterterm", ssearch);         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@sortindex", isortcol_0);         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@sortdirection", ssortdir_0);         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@startrownum", idisplaystart);         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@endrownum", idisplaystart + idisplaylength);          cmd.parameters.add("@totalrowscount", sqldbtype.int);         cmd.parameters["@totalrowscount"].direction = parameterdirection.output;         cmd.parameters.add("@filteredrowscount", sqldbtype.int);         cmd.parameters["@filteredrowscount"].direction = parameterdirection.output;          cn.open();         using (sqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader())         {           if (dr.hasrows)           {             while (dr.read())             {               paluwagan lstpaluwagan = new paluwagan();               lstpaluwagan.civilid = dr["civilid"].tostring();               lstpaluwagan.firstname = dr["firstname"].tostring();               lstpaluwagan.lastname = dr["lastname"].tostring();               lstpaluwagan.mobile = dr["mobile"].tostring();               lstpaluwagan.parentid = dr["parentid"].tostring();               lstpaluwagan.rownum = int.parse(dr["rownum"].tostring());                lstpaluwagans.add(lstpaluwagan);             }             dr.close();             totalrowscount = convert.toint32(cmd.parameters["@totalrowscount"].value.tostring());             filteredrowscount = convert.toint32(cmd.parameters["@filteredrowscount"].value.tostring());           }         }         javascriptserializer serializer = new javascriptserializer();         data += "{\"secho\":\"" + secho + "\",";         data += "\"aadata\":" + serializer.serialize(lstpaluwagans) + ",";         data += "\"itotalrecords\":\"" + totalrowscount.tostring() + "\",";         data += "\"itotaldisplayrecords\":\"" + filteredrowscount.tostring() + "\"";         data += "}";       }       catch (exception ex)       {         throw ex.innerexception ;       }       if (cn.state == system.data.connectionstate.open) cn.close();       return data;     }   }  } 

this javascript code

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () {   $("#org").jorgchart({     chartelement: '#chart',     draganddrop: false   });   $('#members').datatable({     "bserverside": true,     "sajaxsource": "civilid.aspx/getdata",     "sajaxdataprop": "",     "bprocessing": true,     "bdestroy": true,     "fnserverdata": function (ssource, aodata, fncallback) {       $.ajax({         "datatype": 'json',         "contenttype": "application/json; charset=utf-8",         "type": "get",         "url": ssource,         "data": aodata,         "success": function (msg) {           var json = jquery.parsejson(msg.d);           fncallback(json);           //$("#members").show();         }       });     },     "aocolumns": [                     { "sname": "civilid" },         { "sname": "firstname" },                     { "sname": "lastname" },                     { "sname": "mobile" },                     { "sname": "parentid" },         { "sname": "rownum" }     ]   }); }); </script> 

i don't know getting typeerror. please note don't have json error

below json data


it worked changing sname mdata in aocolumns , sajaxdataprop aodata


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