ruby on rails - Dependent jobs in Sidekiq - How to avoid the one that launches to finish? -

i have following job structure in rails app:

def perform(page_ids, email, order_id)     job_ids = []     page_ids.each |id|       job_ids << shoebuilder.perform_async(id, order_id)     end     checkstatus.perform_async(job_ids, email) unless job_ids.empty? end 

basically launch n shoebuilders, , have checkstatus worker keeps checking if of jobs have finished in order send email user. here how checkstatus looks:

 def perform(ids, email, order_id)     finished = []     while finished.size < ids.size        ids.each |id|         status = sidekiq::status::status(id)         # consider finished if has been completed or failed         if (( sidekiq::status::complete?(id) || sidekiq::status::failed?(id) ) && !finished.include?(id))           finished << id         end       end       sleep 5      end     notifier.thanks(email, order_id).deliver   end 

so, problem here following:

the shoebuilder work, @ point, if has not been able find information (it parser worker), launch instance of shoebuilder. , here comes problem:

  • when launch shoebuilder job within shoebuilder job, first 1 finishes. how can avoid that?
  • if can't avoid that, how can tell checkstatus, take account new job id, instead of original one?

if you're not able use sidekiq pro, sidekiq superworker supports this:

# config/initializers/superworkers.rb superworker.create(:mysuperworker, :page_ids, :email, :order_id)   batch page_ids: :page_id     shoebuilder :page_id, :order_id   end   notifier :email, :order_id end  # anywhere mysuperworker.perform_async([1, 2, 3], '', 378) 

when run mysuperworker, queue shoebuilder jobs of page ids. when of have finished, notifier run. (disclaimer: i'm gem's author.)


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