Joomla 2.5 displaying data /multiple rows in view -

i'm new joomla development. after having managed directly list database multiple rows directly conttroller, i'm trying display using views, have error message :

controller :

function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) {      // affichage de la liste des tournois       $db=jfactory::getdbo();      $sql="select * #__tournois_tournois";      //echo $sql;      $db->setquery($sql);      $db->query();      $items=$db->loadobjectlist();              // set default view if not set      $input = jfactory::getapplication()->input;      $input->set('view', $input->getcmd('view', 'tournois'));       // call parent behavior      parent::display($cachable); 

in view :

function display($tpl = null)  {      // data model      $items = $this->get('items');       // check errors.      if (count($errors = $this->get('errors')))       {              jerror::raiseerror(500, implode('<br />', $errors));              return false;      }      // assign data view      $this->items = $items;       // set toolbar      $this->addtoolbar();       // display template      parent::display($tpl); } 

in default tpl :

<form action="<?php echo jroute::_('index.php?option=com_tournoi&ask=edit'); ?>" method="post" name="admintournoisform" id="admintournoisform"> <table class='adminlist'> <thead> <tr> <th width='1%'>&nbsp;</th> <th class='title'>id</th> <th class='title'>tournoi</th> <? foreach ($this->items $i => $item) {     //$row=$rows[$i]?>     <tr>      <th><? echo $item->tournois_id?></th>     <th><? echo $item->tournois_title?></th>     </tr> <?}?> </table> </form> 


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