c# - unrecognized namespace 'umbraco' -

building umbraco 6.1.5 mvc site in .net 4.5 framework using vs2012. when trying use couple of common packages, cultiv contact form , google maps datatype green squiggly underline under word "umbraco" in following instance:-

<umbraco:macro filelocation="~/macroscripts/cultivcontactform.cshtml" mailfrom="website@abc.com.com" runat="server" /> 

the error shown if mouse on "umbraco" "unrecognized namespace 'umbraco'".

the top of file has:-

@inherits umbraco.web.mvc.umbracotemplatepage @using umbraco; 

i cannot understand why "@using umbraco" doesn't fix problem.

any advice appreciated.

because - , looks - ah - sorry razor pages have different syntax old asp.net user controls.

it looks me think can magically use user control in razor page. bad news - no.


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