java - Play Framework 2.x: How do i make a HTTP-GET for an reverse lookup (nominatim OSM)? -

i make simple http playframework (java) doesn't work. i've googled lot read in documentation of play 2.x nothing helped me. examples in documentation did not help.

i write method calls reverse geoconding service (for example this) , gives json data back. need response data jsonnode or that.

i tried following piece of code play homepage should give name of road, did not work.

public static promise<result> reverselookup() {//string lat, string lon      final promise<result> resultpromise = ws.url("").get().map(             new function<ws.response, result>() {                 public result apply(ws.response response) {                     return ok("road:" + response.asjson().findpath("road"));                 }             }     );     return resultpromise; } 

i got error here:

[runtimeexception: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jsonparseexception: unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected valid value (number, string, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') @ [source: org.jboss.netty.buffer.channelbufferinputstream@6a43dbaf; line: 1, column: 2]]

there isn't character "<" in json data if this url called manually in browser.

please me. don't it.

edit 10:25 pm:

i tried response.getbody() output same.

i don't understand error be... here more code:


post    /other/function         controllers.mycontroller.anotherfunction() 


private static string reverselookupdata;  @bodyparser.of(play.mvc.bodyparser.json.class) public static result anotherfunction() {     // gps coordinates passed method (this works point)     reverselookup(string lat, string lon); // reverse lookup starts     system.out.println("response 1: " + reverselookupdata);     system.out.println("response 2: " + reverselookup().tostring());     // code ... }  public static promise<string> reverselookup(string lat, string lon) {      final promise<string> resultpromise = ws.url(""+ lat +"&lon=" + lon).get().map(             new function<ws.response, string>() {                 public string apply(ws.response response) {                     reverselookupdata = response.getbody();                      return "data:" + reverselookupdata;                 }             }     );     return resultpromise; } 

if run code output command-line window is: response 1: null response 2: play.libs.f$promise@51ebebed


(...) public string apply(ws.response response) {     system.out.println("body: " + response.getbody());      return ""; } (...) 

now got error message here:

body: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <reversegeocode timestamp='sun, 06 apr 14 21:31:45 +0000' attribution='data ┬® openstreetmap contributors, odbl 1.0.' querystring=''> <error>unable geocode</error></reversegeocode> 

anybody idea why appears or error be? said, when put geocoding address in browser, correct answer.

i tried googles reverse geocoding not work


",-0.092875&sensor=false&key={myserverkey}", ",-0.092875&sensor=false" 

sensor true or false, nothing works:

body: {    "error_message" : "the 'sensor' parameter specified in request must set either 'true' or 'false'.",    "results" : [],    "status" : "request_denied" } 

i'm grateful :)

ws.url("")   .withqueryparameter("format", "json")   .withqueryparameter("lat", lat)   .withqueryparameter("lon", lon) 


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