python - Is there any guide for local django project to deploy it to vps with sqlite setup? -

i coded local django project , deploy naive sqlite db vps. prefer use apache since still hosts wordpress site. there guide follow without pain ? suggestion appreciated.

i've done setting separate virtual host django project, in past. virtual host configuration below example of used small project. apache foundation contains more documentation on how configure , manage virtualhost.

note: in paths below, /path/to/django/projects/app needs modified match path system , should contain full, absolute path.

wsgipythonpath /path/to/django/projects/app <virtualhost *:80>      documentroot /path/to/django/projects/app      servername      wsgiscriptalias / /path/to/django/projects/app/<subdir>/      errorlog /var/log/httpd/app-error_log      customlog  /var/log/httpd/app-access_log common       alias /robots.txt /path/to/django/projects/app/static/robots.txt      alias /favicon.ico /path/to/django/projects/app/static/favicon.ico      aliasmatch ^/([^/]*\.css) /path/to/django/projects/app/static/css/      aliasmatch ^/([^/]*\.js) /path/to/django/projects/app/static/js/      aliasmatch ^/([^/]*\.png) /path/to/django/projects/app/static/images/      aliasmatch ^/([^/]*\.swf) /path/to/django/projects/app/static/swf/       alias /media/ /path/to/django/projects/app/media/      alias /static/ /path/to/django/projects/app/<subdir>/sitestatic/       <directory /path/to/django/projects/app/static>          order deny,allow          allow      </directory>      <directory /path/to/django/projects/app/media>          order deny,allow          allow      </directory>      <directory /path/to/django/projects/app/<subdir>/>          <files>               order deny,allow               allow          </files>      </directory> </virtualhost> 

a few additional notes, there couple areas <subdir> in above configuration. needs adjusted appropriate subdirectory file location or static directory of application pointing.


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