tomcat - java jax rs access files on server -

running tomcat 7.0 have file in web-inf folder accessible through browser by:


how go accessing file , contents in java code ( using relative links, guess ). can access fine using buffered reader , accessing full url such:

url requesturl = new url(path_prefix_two+"/request.txt");             bufferedreader testin = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(requesturl.openstream())); 

but isn't there way access 'locally' ? i'm not using maven

for example, accessing file locally permits me this: bufferedreader testin = new bufferedreader(new filereader(new file(path_prefix+"/request.txt"))); path_prefix = "c:/users/username/.../hello.txt";

if change path_prefix "/hello.txt", not access ( file not found error )

not sure if you're looking for, if file deployed in web-inf/classes or in jar in web-inf/lib, can access via thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresourceasstream(name) name if full name of resource (eg: /pkga/pkgb/hello.text).

this portable solution, there's no need specify absolute path in server's file system.


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